gah, help (68)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-08 07:52 ID:TRkq6BYg

okay so, clasic 4-ch story. i like a girl. but, only SHE is the really shy one. I mean, I feel that it wouldnt be that hard for me to go up and ask her out except i just wanna know for sure if i'll get a resonse.
She is one of those small petite girls that are kinda pulled back from the rest of the group. she's really nice, cute, and EXCELENT taste in music. none of the pop and hip-hop crap. RCHP all the way.
BUT!!! there are some days when it feels that she is just out of it. Like, i'll be talking to her and we'll be talking non-stop throughout class (i have i her in 2 classes) and then 2 days later when i see her in class again, she doesnt wanna talk AT ALL throughout the entire class. and when i make an atempt, she's just all quiet and it gets awkward. so i leave and start to talk to my other friends

so, what up? should i ask her or what? if we are gonna go with the whole b/f g/f thing i dont want it to be all that awkward

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-08 08:21 ID:Heaven

i love the ret chot hilly peppers

3 Name: Kira : 2007-03-08 08:45 ID:E5PeumFd

Ummm well Of course you should ask... Don't you love her? Isn't that why you are concerned about this and posting this on here. Well I guess she has some kind of mood swing I think... Maybe... Or she could be shy... But as you guys get to know each other more then your gap with her will be less and you'll both be comfortable with eachother. Remember relationships requires lots of work but it would be worth it... If you really care for it that is. Well I hope it goes well and don't give up!

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-08 12:16 ID:ZRQbbQWV


Ask her what the problem is if she turns out that way again, and if she tells you; it's nothing.... Then you'll be quick to rise from your chair, pull out your dick and loudly proclaim; Well neither is THIS!

If that doesn't work, nothing will.

Seriously though just get to know her on a less casual level, then you might find out why and how she works, before you risk any deeper, emotional investments in her. If it turns out to be something you can't handle you'll be glad you moved slow.

5 Name: Nibbles : 2007-03-08 15:11 ID:e1XUTAWb

>>3 I agree.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-08 18:49 ID:wkNGPfA1

>>1 how often does this happen? it might be a 'female issue'

7 Name: OP : 2007-03-09 05:49 ID:TRkq6BYg

well, this is something that always happens. like, usually weekly about. or just randomy she'll have these major mood swings. and she is also one of those girls who has rejected every guy that has come her way. she hasnt had a boyfriend once out of the maybe 10-15 guys who have asked her. she's one of those girls where you feel fortunate that this sort of "goddess" is even one of your friends.
I know for a fact she liked me last year, but i never made a move because being the good friend i am (damnit) i left her open because i knew my friend had the biggest crush on her and that he was planning on asking her to HC, but he got rejected and that just got me nervous.
And so now, a year later i'm not so sure about it anymore. i'm still gathering more info. i'm gonna try and have a MEANINGFUL converstaion tomarrow, but not sure how that's gonna go. depends on how much extra time we have during class an all that jazz

8 Name: OP : 2007-03-09 05:50 ID:TRkq6BYg

well, this is something that always happens. like, usually weekly about. or just randomy she'll have these major mood swings. and she is also one of those girls who has rejected every guy that has come her way. she hasnt had a boyfriend once out of the maybe 10-15 guys who have asked her. she's one of those girls where you feel fortunate that this sort of "goddess" is even one of your friends.
I know for a fact she liked me last year, but i never made a move because being the good friend i am (damnit) i left her open because i knew my friend had the biggest crush on her and that he was planning on asking her to HC, but he got rejected and that just got me nervous.
And so now, a year later i'm not so sure about it anymore. i'm still gathering more info. i'm gonna try and have a MEANINGFUL converstaion tomarrow, but not sure how that's gonna go. depends on how much extra time we have during class an all that jazz

9 Name: OP : 2007-03-09 05:59 ID:TRkq6BYg

well, this is something that always happens. like, usually weekly about. or just randomy she'll have these major mood swings. and she is also one of those girls who has rejected every guy that has come her way. she hasnt had a boyfriend once out of the maybe 10-15 guys who have asked her. she's one of those girls where you feel fortunate that this sort of "goddess" is even one of your friends.
I know for a fact she liked me last year, but i never made a move because being the good friend i am (damnit) i left her open because i knew my friend had the biggest crush on her and that he was planning on asking her to HC, but he got rejected and that just got me nervous.
And so now, a year later i'm not so sure about it anymore. i'm still gathering more info. i'm gonna try and have a MEANINGFUL converstaion tomarrow, but not sure how that's gonna go. depends on how much extra time we have during class an all that jazz

10 Name: OP : 2007-03-09 06:04 ID:TRkq6BYg

aw fuck, what is up with that triple post. i only clicked the link once

11 Name: OP : 2007-03-09 06:06 ID:TRkq6BYg

aw fuck, what is up with that triple post. i only clicked the link once

12 Name: OP : 2007-03-09 06:07 ID:TRkq6BYg

aw fuck, what is up with that triple post. i only clicked the link once

13 Name: OP : 2007-03-09 06:08 ID:TRkq6BYg

aw fuck, what is up with that triple post. i only clicked the link once

14 Name: OP : 2007-03-09 07:47 ID:g/kRxPj3

aw fuck, what is up with that triple post. i only clicked the link once

15 Name: OP : 2007-03-09 11:32 ID:ok2pisnp

aw fuck, what is up with that triple post. i only clicked the link once

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-09 11:58 ID:ZRQbbQWV


Is she religious?

She might be a closet lesbian.
She might have been subject to something traumatic concerning relationships/trust/sex and shit.
There is also a chance she is simply asexual, it happens. Then I can see why she might get uncomfortable when she senses that guys are friendly with her because they want to get inside her panties(and yeah I know you might just be in love with her but let's face the facts, we all know where that train stops).

Perhaps she's just fucking nuts, she might have some wierd complex for example, but I'll have to tell you, from the sound of it all I love this girl! Guys chasing her and she's just brushing them all off, thats awesome!

Anyway, try to find out what she wants out of a relationship, she might be waiting for mr.right, you know making sure beyond all reasonable doubts and all that. If you know what she wants, make sure you can and want to give her all that, and make sure she understands that you can/want to.

Also, how old are you guys? She might also be a very intelligent girl thinking; relationships at our age will end up nowhere, and I don't want to emotionally baggage myself for nothing.

Well regardless, should I wish you good luck? What exactly are your intentions here anyway?

17 Name: OP : 2007-03-10 06:07 ID:TRkq6BYg

well, she's not religious, and she's not a lesbian. And if she is, she hasnt told anyone. not even her sister and they are eachothers best friends and tell eachother EVERYTHING. literally everything
there could be a chance that she's asexual, i mean you never know. But seriously, i dont only want her to get in her pants. It's hard to explain, but i like her so much that i wouldnt care if i never got in her pants. just having her with me, and be mine would be enough for me.
And as for the whole "mr. right" thing, i dont know what she'd want. i mean i'm sure she would want someone whom she has a lot in common with, and we have tons in common.
We are still in High School. Sophomores. and if that is the case i see what she means. i had this huge long stern talk with my friend about stuff like "where do high school relationships go?" and we figured it's if anything just practice for when your an adult

and my intentions? well, just to see how exactly i should handle this situation and get advice from people with years more experiance than i =] because, pretty much each person that has asked her out, doesnt really speak with her anymore.

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-10 07:30 ID:9bX5jqI/

have you tried asking her out for dinner or just a stroll in the park?

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