He's into...weird things... (140)

45 Name: zhouwuatsien-aimmsny!qZFKl2dobU : 2007-05-29 20:44 ID:QLELUozb

Under the proper circumstances, I'm sure everyone has a dark side to them. In fact, I'd say it would be rather unhealthy if someone was put through Hel, and they could do it while being extremely happy and optimistic.

But these are extreme circumstances.

There's a case study where two children are studied. One of them was constantly called stupid. The other was constantly called smart. One of them suffered from a far less amount of self confidence and issues with school. The other did extremely well in classes and making friends.

I am saying that the way we treat people encourages behaviors. You 'can' be strong about it. Take a stand. But we are only human.

If the world calls you a pedophile freak, you may not become one.

But if that's all the world knows you as. Trust me. You'll show a side that isn't all that...


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