HELP! I only attract Catholics. (37)

1 Name: Crucified : 2007-07-01 22:53 ID:PQh5TS2k

I have a big problem, guys.

I am a pretty damn militant Atheist who hates all religion, but it seems that most people that are attracted to me are Catholics. As in devout, practicing Catholics. I've dated 3 (only one put out), and I can name 4 women that have had crushes on me that were practicing Catholics. Right now, I have this girl that is really creeping me out with her pursuit towards me (to the point of it getting to be stalkerish) is a devout Catholic except in terms of sexuality. And that's not counting those who were simply raised Catholics...

Now, I really have no problem with dating a theist, but the amount of Catholics attracted to me, especially considering my strong views about their religion, is what puzzles me. What am I doing that attracts Catholics?!

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 00:51 ID:LfQ7iK5Y

>I am a pretty damn militant Atheist

stopped reading here.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 01:34 ID:usUfy2dT


>I have this girl that is really creeping me out with her pursuit towards me (to the point of it getting to be stalkerish) is a devout Catholic except in terms of sexuality.

why don't you try fucking her?

seriously, wtf is the question? go get somone who isn't catholic.

4 Name: Crucified : 2007-07-02 02:12 ID:PQh5TS2k

Wow, someone seems to be a bit of a bigot.

She's a psychotic morbidly obese Paris Hilton? Seriously, that's the only way to describe her.

Also, I can't seem to find any non-Catholic that finds me attractive, which is even moreso bizzare because I live in a part of the US that is strongly Baptist and Methodist... Catholics making up only a small minority.

Ugh, c'mon people, help me out a bit here! This has become an utter curse!

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 02:45 ID:LfQ7iK5Y


>I am a pretty damn militant Atheist who hates all religion
>militant Atheist who hates all religion
>Atheist who hates all religion
>hates all religion
>Wow, someone seems to be a bit of a bigot.

"A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own."


6 Name: Crucified : 2007-07-02 02:59 ID:PQh5TS2k

I think to say that is harsh and a misunderstanding of the nature of my Atheism. I personally find theism to be an unscientific and destructive force in society; however, I understand the material and social basis and why so many turn to religion. I see people who are religious as simply misguided, and hey, we all have our hang-ups. I still maintain that people must have the right to religious freedom and should be able to practice what they shall (I have many, many close Christian friends who I do not look down upon). Yet I am very confident of my beliefs, and I will state my opinion if you ask for it... but I digress.

So, tl;dr disagreeing with a belief system and being firm about that disagreement =/= hatred/intolerance of those who believe in that ideology.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 03:11 ID:7aFr1cO5

They go after you because you are Athiest. Isn't this obvious?

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 03:30 ID:LfQ7iK5Y

What do you mean material basis?

Almost all religions are anti-materialistic.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 03:39 ID:syGRA+hf


He's right Crucified, they go after you because you are Atheist. Most women search for adventurous, or rebels, and this is when you appear, you are a rebel.

They have a routine, a series of teachings you don't have, not only that, but you hate them. Maybe you should try to be less open about being an Atheist ?

That and, trying to look sharper, and mainly trying to hit on non-catholics (although they are the ones that hit on you). You can always keep the catholics as playing dolls, ignore them, fuck them, carry one with your life, get a spectacular girlfriend.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 05:18 ID:evajv5of

Just moonlight as a Catholic and maybe that'll turn around.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-03 03:31 ID:hRvTBHKg

Lolz, conquer and convert.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-03 11:51 ID:Bi9XFwEJ

I'm an atheist. I don't attract anybody. My big problem > your big problem, unless you also have a problem "down there."

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-03 12:24 ID:Heaven

Troll elsewhere

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-03 15:33 ID:7aFr1cO5

Why do people assume everyone is a troll these days? Have a little faith. Even if this is a troll, that shouldn't stop us from giving helpful advice or comments, if only for other people to see.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-03 17:36 ID:edDqvXD/

>>14 agree completely... This "you're a troll, you're a troll" bs needs to stop, now... There's a pretty obvious difference between trolls & nontrolls.... And even trolls w/ decent stories deserve helpful advice...

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-03 21:18 ID:4GCG+hzT

'An athiest is a person who hopes god wont shake his disbelief'

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-04 06:05 ID:Heaven

'I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.'

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-05 12:46 ID:Sku8iLdq

in that case, have you tried telling her to fuck off?

catholicism tends to develop a level of codependency in its followers, especially the ones who start young. so while >>7,9 are right about them being attracted to the rebel/outsider, they also subconsciously see someone lost and in need of help, and they want to "heal" you. that won't come out till a little later, of course, so i'd advise you stay on your current course and stay away.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-05 13:09 ID:J/t/IAA6

>>9 here.

>they also subconsciously see someone lost and in need of help, and they want to "heal" you.

Yeah, >>18 is telling the truth, catholics always think they are best and they always want to heal others to the 'path of light', or some bs like that. You should keep them away with sticks, for them to understand that you don't want to follow the, what is to them, 'true path'.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-05 15:14 ID:wZmuGjM3

>>19 Nice way to completely generalize a massive group.

...and you wonder why people call all these posts trollbait? I've found that Catholics generally do not engage in prostelyzation at least using the methods evangelical Protestants use.

Your problem is incrediably easy to solve. Just tell them that you do not date Catholics or anyone who engages in religion. If you tell enough people the word will eventually get around and you'll be known as somewhat of bigot and you'll have no problem not getting anyone who engages in any sort of religion.

I was raised Catholic (now Agnostic) and >>18 isn't really telling the truth. You can't judge a person based on their religion. Most of the Catholics I've run into don't even say anything unless it comes up and even then they let you decide what you want to do. They don't seem to care much about forcing you to join their community and I live in a pretty yuppie-ish town. I asked a priest why don't they modify the religion so that it would be more exciting and they could get more followers. He said that the purpose is not to get more followers, the purpose is more of mainting the original ritual/tradition from the times of Christ (note: these are not my views).

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-06 17:34 ID:HiTAoEP/

I fully agree with that. When I made a post earlier (Shadow of the Prom) is was shot down as a 'troll post'. Although a few people gave tips that I feel greatly helped in my eventual success.


Actually a good line. The person whom I am currently dating is an Evangelical right wing Baptist whom is waiting it out for the rapture. Nothing would make her happier the see my left wing, gay loving ass convert. However, she will never see that. As a couple we are both forced to expand our beliefs and learn tolerance towards other faiths (or lack of).
While we both have our religious differences, religion is not in any of our minds when we sit down holding each other or waling arm in arm, ect. (However, sex is a difficult issue >"< )

I recommend that you give her a chance. Who knows? She may stop worshiping Cthulhu and switch to your views.

I hope my advice helped


22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-07 15:26 ID:U9J7+e8D

Catholics are lost people who have no self confidence. Trust me. I was raised that way.

Catholicism is all about "THE CHURCH". That is, the institutional rules and regulations of this large, infallible institution of old men who are somehow more in touch with God than the rest of us...and we have to listen to how they tell us to live our lifestyle or else go to confession, or else go to hell.

Catholics are usually followers who are either too scared to think for themselves or have just never been given a chance to think for themselves.

The best way to cure a Catholic: go political. Find out their political beliefs (or lifestyle choices, for that matter) that disagree with the church. The more sacred to them the better. If they see that their closest, sacred beliefs are rejected by their big, holy institution, they will start having actual thoughts... something that any institution dreads.

I went to Catholic schools my whole life. "Catholic Morality" class destroyed Catholicism for me forever. It was a tight-ass series of opinions presented as an undeniably true set of rules and facts that anyone could see as plainly true...and if you disagreed "well, that's okay, but you have to accept the fact're simply wrong." "Morality is a science"?? I think not.

Sorry. I rant.

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-07 15:38 ID:GgbY2k/Z

I'm guessing none of these catholics are hot?

That's probably the main problem here. Cause, speaking as an atheist, having a bunch of naÏve, god-fearing, effectively sinning, sex-guilty, hot little catholic-school girls crawling all over me sounds like a good thing.

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-07 15:56 ID:PKIPIBNE

>>23 maybe for an one night stand, but for a real relationship.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-07 22:27 ID:Heaven


How bad can it be? If they like you enough, maybe you can de-catholicize them.

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-10 13:31 ID:Sku8iLdq

>>18 here

i didn't mean to say they want to convert anyone, i've found that to be rather untrue about catholics actually. what i said was that the religion develops and fosters codependent personalities, and that sort of person will see a "bad boy" or rebel and think that she can "fix" him through the power of her love and care. many women (and people for that matter) fall into this category, it just seems like an awful lot of them are catholics. see also: non-alcoholic children of alcoholics.

27 Name: ND : 2007-07-21 04:09 ID:FmBobz1w

Heheh...I just had to read this cause of the title. If you want to ward off Catholics from becoming romantic and gushy on you, search up "101 ways to bug catholics" or something like that. Mind you, some are rather good looking though, and great in bed. Not all Catholics are created equal (in the bedroom or otherwise). If worst comes to worst, pretend you're buddist or sikh or something. Or start wearing Scientology t-shirts.

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-21 05:00 ID:Heaven

>Or start wearing Scientology t-shirts.

Not something to joke about.

29 Name: ND : 2007-07-23 01:28 ID:FmBobz1w

>>28 ?? I don't follow.

30 Name: Crucified : 2007-08-01 23:51 ID:PQh5TS2k

Well, I have a hot date tonight.

....with a Catholic.

sighs This will never never end.

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-02 04:35 ID:Heaven

>>29, what >>28 means is that we should be making fun of muslims.

32 Name: ND : 2007-08-04 01:06 ID:96paIqQp

Ah, I see. Well, I personally think of Scientology as a big joke with a cult following. Though I won't bring it up here, a bit off topic. >>30, report in on your date! :D

33 Name: Crucified : 2007-08-04 02:41 ID:PQh5TS2k

It was awkward and while she was very very hot, intelligent and sweet, she is all about LIFETEEN YOUTH GROUP ^______^ and ZOMG PRO-LIFE AND TEH CELIBECAYYY!1111.

sighs reminds me of the Army of Lovers song: I'm cruuuucified, crucifiiiiied, like my Saviour~

34 Name: Crucified : 2007-08-04 02:43 ID:PQh5TS2k

This song (but not the music video) aptly describes my feelings on my dilemma...

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-04 06:01 ID:ULbyi1Jk


It IS a cool video though.

...Maybe if you dressed up like 'De Sade you'd chase off 'em Catholikz.

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-04 06:09 ID:Heaven

shit, now i got that song stuck in my head.

37 Name: Crucified : 2007-08-08 17:05 ID:KCsOlxTQ

Well guys. You know how there are the 5 Stages of reaction: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. I have now reached acceptance.

I realized "Hey, at least I have somethin' goin' for me", and I've been repeatedly seeing this one woman repeatedly lately...

...and yes, she is Catholic.

So it goes!

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