Risk the only 'friendship with a girl' I ever had? (30)

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-10 11:22 ID:9vc09RCe

A few months ago, I would have whole-heartedly agreed with >>13. If you think about the problem logically, with the mind and not the heart, >>13 is completely right. However, a few months ago I risked a close friendship with a girl I liked by asking her out, and now I feel completely differently about the whole issue. Now, my situation is somewhat similar to yours in that besides my girlfriend, I really have had no other female friends. Even now, I barely have any male friends, so if she had rejected me, I would have been very lonely. But I went for it anyway, and thank God she liked me back.

Is this love? Call it what you like, but it's a feeling that defies all logic; it makes you start thinking about things with the heart and not the mind. It suddenly feels completely worth it to defy all sense and go for your desires even when the risk is big. It's strange for me to feel this way since I used to be a very logical, non-emotional person. But since I met my girlfriend, my perspective has changed drastically.

I guess the point of this long post is that you need to decide for yourself what you really want. Take our advice, think it over, but try to not be swayed too much by it. Everyone looks at life differently, you should figure out your own perspective.

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