Risk the only 'friendship with a girl' I ever had? (30)

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-11 17:07 ID:9vc09RCe

> Time is probably up, because she has met and will meet more interesting and social people, now that she has a job.

This type of thinking is what you need to stop. Even if you do start improving yourself, you'll never be good enough for her if you keep thinking the same way you do now. You said for yourself that you have serious attitude and inferiority problems, and this is one symptom of it. You're not as bad as you think you are! Believe in yourself. There is no 'right time frame' that you need to get in. Don't be discouraged just because she got a job, go for it anyway!

I speak from experience; I once thought the same way as you did. I went for it anyway, and succeeded. I have become a lot better at being social and whatnot (I was horrid before) because of it.

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