ii recently staying away from my friend that ii have feelings with..
..it was a birthday gift for her..
i cant get anything..not even a card..
soo iim just going to stay away...
it was a tough decision for me..
but anyway..
do you think that will help me?
will our friendship come back again.
or it will ruin it more.
please..help me
thanks for the flame
fckin idiot
but wtf, just MAKE her something
omfg.. /b/ invasion or something >_<
suppose you should tell us more details about your situation OP.
but yeah, staying away won't make her happy..
OP = Original Poster (Referring to you...)
He's saying that you need more details in your post than just:
"I'm staying away from a friend I have feelings with... I can't get her anything for her birthday, do you think if I stay away our friendship will come back"...
That barely is a post, let alone near descriptive enough of your situation for anyone to begin to answer...
(and what's with the "ii" every time you mean to type the letter "I"...?)
Did you do anything to hinder your relationship?
Did you tell her you have feelings for her?
Most of the time when you go out with a girl and break up with her you will not be friends with her or hang out with her as much as you use to. I went out with one girl and broke up with her and I can't be around her without our relationship stuff coming back up. It was mostly because we had sex and it got really deep after that. So when I try to hang out with her I just want to do her or go out with her again and she wants nothing to do with me. So staying away from her will not make your friendship better because it will just make it worse. Talk to her and see if she wants you to come out to her about your feelings.
Sorry about my "ii" .. I got used to bad habits on IM's
but.I'm getting rid of it.
I see..so I have to explain more.
kayy.i'll post another post for yoo.
Hinder our relationship?.. Well..we havnt went out at the first place..soo..nope.
I didnt tell her..on some odd reason, she just knew or probably figured out that I have feelings.
and. I just read the rest of it.
I dont want to repeat things you already said. so yeah.
and yeah..I think it did made our friendship worse.
like..i dont nkow whyy but..blahh..
im going to talk to her this weeek.
ii da ne...
trying to bump? no thanks.