I think I'm asexual... or animesexual. (30)

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-10 18:55 ID:rUlaWlTI



I must regretfully report that your deep and insigntful analysis of the situation glances over one minor, insignificant detail.

Seeing as how we in this thread are men who have no interest in real women, having chosen instead to immerse ourselves in fictional romance, we are obviously disinclined to willingly pursue human relationships.

Now, discounting the possibility of purchasing sex through means of a prostitute, your admonition to "get laid" overlooks the fact that, prior to the onset of sexual intercourse, one must often go through a lengthy and complex courtship ritual. Should said ritual fail to produce the desired result, the process must be repeated.

When one considers that, as stated above, we anime-lovers are disinclined to even begin this courtship process, I think even you can begin to see where your theory breaks down.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts as pertain to bridging the vast chasm between our situational reality and your crass, oversimplified palliative. Good day.

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