She is too matured in thinking (16)

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-27 19:29 ID:BnTxYaXK

okay, i know i'm gonna get scolded by other people for saying this, but this whole thing is just kinda creepy. it reminds me of a situation on of my friends was in. she had a weird creepy guy always trying to talk to her.
and the thing where you say, you seldom talked to her, and then suddenly you write a love letter, that's more than a little creepy.
and i'm hopeing that by getting her home phone #, you asked HER and not got it from someone else. and if her family finds out and gets her to hate you, doesnt that say something? shouldnt she not care if her family finds out about you?
and one last thing... you had to ASK to be friends? that's something that should come naturally. jeez, you really do sound like that creepy guy i'm thinking about. he stalked one girl, he goes around TRYING to talk to people, he goes up to my friend and asks if she will be his friend.... it's all just creepy if you ask me.
-junior in High School

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