the fam and friends (17)

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-15 18:06 ID:FHu9kola

Heh, I work a 40hr work week, and was seeing a girl about an hour & a half to two hours away... Granted, that didn't work out, but for other reasons;

An hour away is nothin'! Heck, I live half an hour away from where I work, for example...

An hour's nothin' to drive after work, and even if you spent the night... I know lots of people who get up in the morning & drive an hour into work, so even if you stayed there... It wouldn't be bad either...

And if things progress in the future, I don't know if she's a student or has a job or whatever, but perhaps either she'd relocate to come be with you, or vice versa...

It sounds like she was really into you (and I'm hoping it was more than a physical attraction, more along the lines of something lasting, so see where it goes... An hour drive's nothing compared to a good relationship!

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