Blargh! IMA FOOL! (39)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-09 16:24 ID:QLx0n7xn

Sup everyone.
So this is the deal. My BF broke up with me a month ago. He was in a camp as attendant and called in the middle of the night to tell me that we couldn't say that we love each other after 2 and a half month. I answered "well.. yeah... things like that take time" and he said "not for me. I think it's not working out. I don't love you enough it would just be unfair." thus he broke up with me and promised to meet me and explain things when he's back. But he never did. Sure I've been angry, that's some way to chicken out and then he states such a stupid reason. It was so obviously a excuse, I seriously was pissed because he didn't tell me the true reason.
Then, last friday, I saw him at a party and he didn't greet me but ran away. I would have expected that he's have the guts to at least explain to me now, but he didn't. Later on I saw him dancing with a girl, really close.
So I asked some friends If he had a new girlfriend and they answered yeah, ever since the camp.
CHRIST! This brought my anger to the max. But here's my actual conflict. I'm angry because he lied, because I was so easy to replace, because he's such a chicken but also because I was so stupid to believe him. I'm such a fool. GODDAMN BLARGH
So anyone been in the same situation yet, pleas tell your "Blargh!IMA FOOL" story.

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