Blargh! IMA FOOL! (39)

31 Name: brutal honesty : 2007-09-13 03:21 ID:Heaven

> tell me that we couldn't say that we love each other after 2 and a half month. I answered "well.. yeah... things like that take time" and he said "not for me. I think it's not working out. I don't love you enough it would just be unfair.

Sounds like a perfectly legitimate reason to discontinue a relationship.

> I saw him dancing with a girl, really close.

He broke up with you, what the hell else do you need besides the closure you've already received?

> He was looking for a lame ass excuse because he wanted to dump me and get it on with the other chick without being looked down by other because of cheating on his GF. Sad thing is, it's not even a theory, it's the truth.

Bullshit. He's his own person and can do whatever his heart desires, despite your heartbreak.
Perhaps you'd rather date a cheater, so you can feel vindicated in your jealousy?
You come off as a miserable old maid.

> He's doing a lot of charitable and social things just to gain some respect and words of praise from others

Keep up the slander. It helps to reveal your weakness of character.

> Is it actually Ok to ask him to return the things I gave him?

If he broke it off, it's only fair.
Of course you are in no way entitled to get those things back.

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