Underaged dating (28)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-26 02:18 ID:bV5u/J0E

Hey guys, I'm 32 years old now. I'm still a good looking guy (I know you will all assume otherwise but some things you know about yourself). One of the girls I met at work is real sweet and pretty and I wanted to ask her out. I spent 4 hours with her today running errands for our boss when I find out she's a family friend . . . and 17 years old.

Should I go ahead with my plan or drop it? I'm not really sure if dating a girl born when I was in highschool is a good idea.

If I DO ask this young lady out (and I really want to) what should I do? I mean I haven't gone out with a teenager in 10 years.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-26 04:01 ID:AR/h4Imc

I'll be blunt: Drop this idea immediately. You have nothing in common with a 17 year old girl. The mere fact you considered it says you probably can't get women your own age. Your mind is in need of a tune up.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-26 04:34 ID:Heaven

>>I'm 32 years old now

>>17 years old


4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-26 04:53 ID:Lk+0dcX1

Don't bother, One this girl isn't even 18 yet. She most likely isn't very mature. This wouldn't matter if you are just in it for the ass and nothing else, but otherwise. no.
Also, she's someone you met at work, now unless you plan to leave this job soon don't bother. Women hold ALOT of power when at work, she can report your ass and you'll be in one of those sensitivity classes and have a black mark on your record, and may even get fired. And the age difference won't work in your favor either.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-26 12:57 ID:WRazeIZr

When it comes to the physical aspect, I like some average sized breasts. C is best, but I can live with B or D. Average build, Thin chicks aren't my thing, but I'm not really all that picky. Petite is fun, but they don't often have the breast I look for.
I don't mind thick women, But I'll only go as far as Queen Latifah thick, anymore and I won't even look at it.
They have to have nice legs and ass. Well shaped. I'm not one for a big ass, I just want one that looks both shapely and juicy but not so big that it looks disgusting. It's hard to describe. Face has to look cute. Don't like Ugly chicks, I may be shallow, but I'd like to go after the good looking girls. Hair has to be nice and clean. Preferably mid-length or as far down as the beginning of the neck. I don't like those super short haircuts. She has to look more femimine. Not one for braids. Just straight or slightly curly at the end.

Personality is simple
She can't be loud. I like a nice reserved girl. Submissive even. (awaits hate from people everywhere.) Now before peoples panties get into a bunch about women having rights or some other bullshit like that. Let me clarify. She can have her goals. I just don't want a loud ass chick that disrespects me. I've been there, done that. And I even knew guys that dated women that disrepected them every so often, but these guys thought they were in love and they got sex and shit so they lived with the bullshit.

Well, I'm not like that. I'd leave a girl if she disrespected me like those other guys, plenty of women in this world. Each one different from the last. I'm bond to find someone that I can chill with. But I'm rambling.

Anyways. Nice girl, reserved. Can't be loud and annoying. I'm staying away from whores. I'd prefer a girl thats into anime/manga or into video games a bit. Either one, but most likely not both. She has to be able to cook. I kinda want a girl with the same diet as me, or similar. I prefer someone who doesn't eat pork. Since I don't either. I don't eat much beef either, but My future girl can eat that however much she wants.

When it comes to sex, open minded, but not too open minded. The guys guys she's messed with, the better.(Oh NOEZ!, I'M INSECURE!) Because my rule is the less girls I've had sex with, the better, Quality, not quantity.

Other things include the fact the the girl can't have ANY kids. I'm willing to change this when I start hunting the 30-40 year old crowd. But anyone in there 20s that has a kid and aren't married are not for me, Kids at a young age show irresponsibilty. One kid can be associated with a mistake, two or more means she's a dumb whore. This only really goes for the younger crowd though, older crowd having kids is expected. But I'm not having older girls anyone. I prefer around my age range.

Man, I tend to type alot.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-26 17:38 ID:Heaven

wrong thread

7 Name: Legalto : 2007-09-26 18:19 ID:t4JqGTyv

It's a trap!

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-26 19:24 ID:bV5u/J0E

As background information my father is 25 years older than my mom. So age difference isn't something I think should keep someone back. In my parents case my mother was 25 when they married so yes I'm worried about her maturity but I'm certainly not concerned with age difference.

>>4 That is exactly what I'm worried about and a lot of why I created this thread. I did go out with a girl for 6 months 2 years ago who had only barely turned 20.

I'll put it on hold for now, see if we have more in common than we do now.

And 150 years ago if I took fancy to a 17 year old girl I'd probably ask her parents approval and be married by the end of the month. Just sayin

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-26 21:16 ID:cb7vG/tV

Go for it. She's 17, she might surprise you by being a bit more mature than most people think.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-26 23:25 ID:ex8QpJaY

No, you creep.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-27 01:26 ID:Heaven

150 years ago I could've imported massive quantities of cocaine and opium legally

times are changin bud

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-27 05:26 ID:dY2SblkG

You still on this? You've got problems, buddy. Unfortunately I can't copypaste a picture of Pedobear.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-05 15:34 ID:eQtizZ/j

17 isn't pedo, 12 is pedo. Hell, 17 is legal in many places.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-05 19:20 ID:Heaven

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15 Name: lil' fox : 2007-12-07 07:02 ID:81CgrURb

I'm 34 and I met a 17 girl two monthes ago. We, since then, talk every day. We changes opinion over every stuff we get in front of us. I even ask her opinion on some stuff and "surpriceingly" I everytime get a smart answer. It maybe becasue I studyed philosophy that I need her reflections about everithing, I'd say :P. She is so smart and more mature than many chicks I have met during my life. Even older than me.

The difference between my parents was 14. I adventaged them by 2 years!. Lol.

The difference makes not matter. I think it's worse when a girl is older. If she wants to get pregnant, thinking about the time it takes to achieve a "proper status", it would take a lot of time to make a family, and the problem is very clear to a girl... I mean, ovulation don't last forever.

This is not moral relativism when I say "it depends" because, in this case, really it depends. I was very surprised when she started to talk about her carrier and everithing and told me "I would prefer yo look for another good woman and spend you life happy with kids all around". For her, the matter wasn't age, wasn't family, was the time I should have to wait her. I'd only say "incredible". And what is more, she even wants to be with me. When we met she just said "I discovered you was what I were looking for". If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up.

Well, now she's 18 and for sure I'll wait her till she finish her studies and I'll be by her side till then (and further away), makeing everything needed to support her and make her happy.

The problem, I think, is not the age difference, but he person. I mean, please, don't look for a girl under 17, please. Even under 18. Of coarse 16 is imposible. They really don't know what they want (men too). But if it happen, if you discover the person within the jung body and the innocent face and if you was enough polite to don't force the situation, well, then, be prepared to wait and be faithful to her. I mean even careing her for don't have sex because she could fall in love with that rather than with you: for sure they don't have the maturity to separate those both (I think that because of that it's illegal).

>>11 I think it's not a good example. Legality of abortion is very common today, and still being an aberation. ;) I really prefer being marreid with a 17 girl (taking the adecuate phisical and psicological cares) than killing a human being beacuse you can see the difference between a cell and an ovocite.


ps/ If there's a doubt, I'll say plainly: I felt in love with her. More than that, we both felt in lovewith each other. But this is not the usual, I know.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-07 08:58 ID:hgPLm4Qs

If you can't wait for her to at least turn 21, then it's a fantasy born of desperation. Maybe your parents have a huge age gap, but 25 is enough time for a woman to know what she wants to do with her life. 17 is really not.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-07 10:19 ID:/+NMw3Ht

Well,... I do remember feeling uncomfortable when at 19, I was dating a 16 year old girl. I was actually worried that I was breaking some law, unaware that it was actually legal (at least where I was living).

In any case, 11 years later we are still together, so it can work. If your girlfriend is 17, you just have to accept that it won't always be an easy ride for you, since she will learn the ropes through you. I guess going out with a more mature woman is more peaceful, since she will have got more maturity at some other guy's expense ;-)

18 Name: lil' fox : 2007-12-07 17:55 ID:81CgrURb


What did I say? Did I say I couldn't wait or did I say I were going to wait her? Am I missing something?

Desperation? Wow... I already rejected two girls to be with her. It son't sounds like desperation to me.

Man, what are you reading?


19 Name: lil' fox : 2007-12-07 18:08 ID:81CgrURb

T_T Sorry, was I reading unproperly. You weren't answering me. Man, What was I reading!!


20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-07 18:54 ID:DxyG/tib

My father was 30 when he met my mother, who was 17. They get along very well, so it could work for >>1 .

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-07 20:23 ID:Heaven


back in 1970's?

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-08 00:46 ID:IgtUFWgv

i say go for it. you only live life once.

23 Name: : 2007-12-08 11:53 ID:Heaven

Thankyou, you have given me hope, as I am approaching 30.

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-08 22:11 ID:/d2u8ecz

ewww pedos.


25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-09 03:10 ID:kBa2W0Kr

Oh! He caught us!

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-10 11:56 ID:Heaven

17 is too old for pedos. I mean it has boobs. With a few exceptions of course.

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-10 14:31 ID:MScrcxga

aguh, know your limits people and hang around your own age.

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-11 13:07 ID:eQtizZ/j

Better: hang around people you like.

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