I have 2 questions (16)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-16 16:43 ID:IxmjOXIS

1) is it a good idea to ask if the girl i like is dating someone already? like if she says no and why then would it be ok if i answer back and say because i like you and so that i idont have to worry about you taken or something blah b lah blah

2) so this same girl i like seems to like me back also because whenever we are in the same group or whatnot she always looks at me and stuff like that. but whenever we are alone like during classs ( we are in the same class for one class) and there is like empty seats to my left and right she would not sit beside me but instead the row behind me. or whenever i see her in the library or something and i go up to her then shes like oooo i have to go somewhere now bye wtf? what should i do?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-16 16:59 ID:XStUS3pI

I don't think it would be a good idea to ask her straight-up. If she didn't feel the same, it would probably make things between the two of you quite awkward.

Why don't you try asking a friend of hers? It would be great if you had a mutual friend you could ask.

If she is already dating someone, don't give up! If she breaks up with him/her, the first person she'll go for is the closest friend to her. Why not try to become that close friend?

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-16 19:05 ID:hV9DjP2B

Spend time with her doing things (whatever fits both of you), and you will learn more about her.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-17 06:00 ID:F2j51KuL

but the stuff she does really doesnt suit me what should i do should i still go?

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-17 15:08 ID:F2j51KuL

and i think she avoids me what should i do

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-17 15:09 ID:F2j51KuL

how do I go about asking her closed friends about her relationship stuff? like do girls usually tell her friends who they like and stuff?

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-17 20:56 ID:MvSCov+A

Yes, girls always talk about who they like to their friends.

I'm a bit unsure about how into you she is. At first it sounded good that she looks at you when you're in a group but not sitting near you or talking to you is a bit of a negativ point. Could just be that she's nervous?

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-18 07:30 ID:7Ga+fU3R


They don't always talk about who they like, but they do insinuate things. It's that blasted "woman's intuition".

9 Name: Kurono : 2007-10-18 14:22 ID:tBhI3zsI

1) I wouldn't reccomend being so up front with the asking. Most everyone has the same idea, and it's not a bad one, try asking a "mutual" friends. Any old friend may say that you like her to her. If you talk to her and can bring it up casually, go for it.
2) It's natural to look at people. If she spent most of her time on you than with the group of friends then maybe, but you haven't mentioned that. It's possible that she is embarrassed about you two being alone, or also that she may not want to be near you, for any reason. Talk to her about the always being away from you when just you two, may truly answer you're question.

Good luck, and hope everything goes well. And if you find out if she's not dating, ask her out on a date.

10 Name: fartman : 2007-10-18 15:07 ID:t0pHTymm

it really depends. if she likes u and is really sure about it, then it should be okay, but otherwise u shouldnt.

it also depends how u ask. its always better to make it sounds natural. u cant just ask like "Excuse me miss. i have been always wondering that u date someone, before u date me" or something.

11 Name: OP : 2007-10-19 16:47 ID:2DPQabcs

ok i know for a fact that there is like an another guy chasing her too and everyone knows about it, but not too many people know that i am chasing her. so what should i do in this situation

and btw we just had like a dinner together the other day like just by ourselves so i dont know

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-19 18:22 ID:MvSCov+A

You need to step up your game so she doesn't go for the other guy.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-19 19:01 ID:Ho/Qn4Bp

Girls don't always talk to their friends about who they like. I know I don't. A lot of girls do, but don't take it as a sign she doesn't like you if she hasn't talked about you to anyone.
The choosing not to sit next to you thing might be because she is shy. If she does like you and she's shy she's more likely to avoid you than look for your company.
Do you have any mutual friends? Try letting one of them know that you like her, and talk to them about it.

14 Name: OP : 2007-10-20 07:17 ID:riWGYhxi

yeaaah but i think their mutual friends like me also...omg this is so confusing

15 Name: Nice Guy : 2007-10-20 07:24 ID:prtA3xLh

Do it cool

Ask her out to a movie or dinner, when she says yes you simply say

"Alright, make sure to dress nice, it's a date!"

then walk away.

You can replace dress nice with wear make up or something witty that sounds good/cool

16 Name: Nice Guy : 2007-10-20 07:25 ID:prtA3xLh

Also, dont give a rats ass about the other guy.

If everyone knows he's chasing her, and its been going on for sometime, then it's likely not going to happen with them.

I think you're in the green zone. You just have to act, don't fall into friend zone.

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