The title pretty much says it all. i dont know what to do. like, i dont see him much these days and we have gotten more distant from eachother. however, his sister works up the road from where i live and im there pretty often so we always talk for abit. ive developed a slight crush on her. should i ask her out or not? even if i did she would probably say no because im friends with her brother. help please. im really confused as to what i should do.
If you want to ask her out you should ask your friend's permission first.
Hell, just fuck your friend. Pink is pink, boy.
His friend is a male. Males don't have pink. Only stink.
And a penis. But that's not pink either.
What's most important is not what he thinks about it, what's most important is whether she would say yes - if you know she'd say yes then you need to talk to the brother before you ask her out. And chances are if he said no it wouldn't make a difference to her decision.
What her sister does is not your "friend"'s problem. However, it's likely that he won't make things easy,... So just go for it and be ready for some difficulties ahead. But you are not doing anything morally wrong.
Some guy I hadn't talked to for about 3 years was hitting on my sister on facebook. Dropped a message on his wall saying that if he didn't stop, I'd have to make art out of his face (Although I was nice about it:}).
He stopped pretty quick ;p
Guys rules dictate you can't even imagine the sister shit. But if you two really arent friends, then I guess the rule doesnt apply.
Just stick to your own siblings, it's much more satisfying.
11 was misformatted, here is the comment
Friends' siblings are off-limits. Period.
However, if you are not friends with him anymore, he should have no say over who his sister can date. Since when do we let other people make decisions for us?
I have never heard of such rules. I think if one of my friends wanted to date my sister (it's impossible now because she's married) I would be okay with it as long as he wasn't an asshole.
A friend of mine dates my sister,... They have been together for years, and seem quite happy.
He did ask if it was a problem for me, and I replied that as long as they don't sever ties, in case of break up, I'm happy.