Forbidden love? (10)

1 Name: K.T. : 2007-12-12 03:20 ID:KYYQ5TrG

I'm in love with my teacher. Absolutely head over heels for him. I've been in his class all 4 years of highschool, but these intense feelings have just started surfacing recently. He's a fairly young guy, only 10 years my senior, which considering my parents are a full 16 years apart, doesn't seem too bad to me...But I can't help but feel like I'm doing something wrong, something forbidden. Of course, he doesn't know how much I like him, if he did it could put his job at risk, or worse yet, he may shun me.

He's all I think about anymore. We talk frequently, I see him everyday...and it greatly pains me to think that in a matter of months I'll be graduating...and who knows when I'll see him again... what should I do?

Has anyone else had an experience like this, where you felt like you were caught in a "forbidden love"? What did you do?

2 Name: lil' fox : 2007-12-12 03:34 ID:XYDNwt0c


I'm on the other side of the trouble. I'm teacher. I really don't mind the relationship itself. The problem are others, I think.

For my side, if I were in love with a student of mine, I should act carfully. I placed myself several times on the situation and what I thought was.

1.- Talk to her (if she correspond to me) seriously if the conditions are gived.

2.- Wait her (all the needed time) Note I never thought in underaged girl.

3.- To change the work as soon as possible to be free in front of the rest of her classmates and don't disturb her relationship.

4.- Then, if all there works well, talk to her fathers, of coarse (in fact I have lots of real friends that was students of mine and I'm well received at his/hers parents houses. For sure I'm a big brother tho them, nothing more).

To the other side maybe a bit hard.

Do you know if he has been inlive with one of his girl pupils? Maybe that opens the talk about that. From there you can see posibilities. But be careful don't stand so colose to him, as Sting says :P. If he likes you, you will note, but yourimagination has to be calmed.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-12 04:51 ID:y3G7iu+T

I was a teacher in this sort of relationship too. It never works, both parties just end up heartbroken.

Of course, I taught kindergarten.

4 Name: lil' fox : 2007-12-12 04:55 ID:XYDNwt0c


Maybe didn't worked for you :P

I think kindergaden is a bad place to choose ;)


5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-12 08:59 ID:tC77J5se

I think the best approach is just to wait until you graduate (it's just a couple of months, in your case!), keep contact, and maybe start a relationship from there,...

If you really are in love with that person, it won't be any trouble at all to keep contact after graduation. You still have a few months to think about it.

I definitely would not start a relationship just before graduation, it's the worse possible time. Just use this time to build regular contact that you will continue after graduation.

6 Name: lil' fox : 2007-12-12 14:22 ID:EgKiTXij

>>5 very good advice. Never thought about that. Maybe I never had the problem.


7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-12 16:55 ID:wX5B0Y/x

your dream is bad and you should feel bad

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-13 00:29 ID:YNnK5DhX

Stay in touch. See what happens after graduation (although I can't help thinking that you don't really exist, to be honest). Of course, don't try anything now; if he does go for it, it suggests some rather unseemly things about him, not to mention the fact that it will put him at serious risk of losing his job (and possibly even going to jail, depending on your age).

9 Name: K.T. : 2007-12-13 04:06 ID:KYYQ5TrG

What do you mean by "although I can't help thinking that you don't really exist, to be honest"? O.o

I wasn't planning on saying anything to him until long after graduation anyway, I wouldn't want to put his job at risk, he's told us he loves it very much. On top of that, I'm rather shy, though I do manage enough courage to talk to him normally during the day. I am 18 though, I'm one of the older people in my class.

10 Name: lil' fox : 2007-12-13 06:42 ID:1o4qQi6D

It seems you have the whole situation understood. Then, here comes the hard task: to wait till the appropiate time. Courage, girl! I mean, if you are interested in an older guy, probably you have what is needed to attracts him.

That feeling of something forbbiden probably comes from the actual situation, that is you have no right to make him loses his work. Then you are right. But I think no more than that.

By the way you probably will find some ease of mind in finding if you really have similarities. That's the path I should suggest you. Then, you must treat him as an equal, not just his pupil. For sure a man don't want to have a pupil-girlfriend.

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