i don't know about you, but we've been far too long without a singles rant thread.
here, i'll get this party started: male, and without a significant other. there is a chance for a significant other, but after all this time of wanting one, i just don't want to take the plunge. it's actually really ironic.
Female, and also without a significant other. I have really strong feelings for someone, but he already has a girlfriend he's extremely happy with, so I'm not going to say anything ever to him about it. Not that I would ever have the courage otherwise! orz
umm, Female.
Likes someone, but that changes with the wind.
Have many people attracted to me, though it never lasts.
single female. I am always attracted to people with confident personalities, but I am too shy myself to ever get to talk to them.
single male. keen on someone, but i know its an impossible combination and will never happen, she already has a bf anyway. been single for 2 years now. im sick of meeting boring, slutty, ignorant girls who throw themselves at me. i just want a decent relationship, but it seems the few that feel the same way are already taken.
Single Male. 18 Years Old. 18 years without a girlfriend.
Male. I had one girlfriend this time last year but she cheated so i dumped her. I pretty much regretted it because I miss having a girlfriend, but I know it wouldn't be a good idea to take her back because I really couldn't trust her. She has a new boyfriend now who I think is a dick. That pisses me off because I feel that she should be single until I find a new girl - like as a punishment. But then I know that's going a bit over the top so I'm less angry about it now. I generally don't speak to her at all.
Theres a girl I like, and we are a great match but she wants to be friends. I don't know if she actually likes me (It really seems it and other people have said it looked that way) but just doesn't want a relationship. So anyway what I'm doing is pretty much avoiding her, but not obviously. Just keeping busy with other friends and uni work, but seeing her (as part of a group) at least once a week. I suppose I want to try to distance myself so that she sees me as less of "just friends". I'm working out, taking care of my appearance and make sure that I'm cheery and happy with everyone when we meet up. There's been times when I've been talking to mutual female friends on nights out and she has acted pretty jealous and then come closer to me to try and get my attention. I didn't give her all my attention though, just enough but then still joking around with the other girls. At the moment I get very jealous if she tells me about her meeting other boys. Theres only been one quick fling she had while away for a few months but I really don't want to talk to her about that whereas with my other female friends I'd talk and joke about that sort of thing.
So, do people think I'm doing the right thing? I know I'm far from "getting the girl", but am I better off doing these actions than trying to cling too much to her? Also, I'm not ruling out any other girls at the moment, it's just I haven't met any that interest me as much as she does.
personally, i think playing games i dangerous. you both obviously see something in each other, and i'm pretty sure she knows what you are doing just chooses not to see anything. you have to watch out, since you never know what could go wrong. what if you never act, and just keep playing these games? she might lose interest, or think that;s all you are: a flirt. so try, with caution, to kind of give hints. but, personally, i like just out and saying how you feel. argue your case. she will listen, and at least you got that.
excuse the errors in that. i didn't proofread.
>>7 here
Thanks for the reply. Mostly what I have to say at the moment is in response to
>just out and saying how you feel. argue your case
I understand what you're saying, but it's a strange situation that she's dropped a few pretty obvious hints that I'm a good friend (e.g. "that she could sleep in the same bed and nothing would happen" was what she said) but also she's said in the same conversation that when we first met she had a big crush on me (note: she never said that either the crush is gone or its still there). I get what you're saying about just coming out and telling her how I fell, but it's just too much in-between friends and something more. If it didn't work I would literally lose a lot of social invitations because we normally go out together as part of a 5 or 6 person group.
I asked one of our mutual friends whether he thought she liked me as more than a friend once (unfortunately, or possibly fortunately, when high on E) and he said no and she hadn't said anything. This is a good friend of mine and I'm 99.99% sure he would've said something if he knew the girl liked me more. So that doesn't work in my favour because I'm worried it would've got back to her. So, I suppose to counter that by playing it cool. So maybe she knows I liked her but if I act more aloof then she will want to chase me to try and win my affections again. I know that if we got into a situation where she hinted at being more than friends then I would jump at the opportunity, but that hasn't happened yet. That's why I'm trying to improve myself, physically and socially, so that she is more likely to drop that hint.
>I asked one of our mutual friends whether he thought she liked me as more than a friend once (unfortunately, or possibly fortunately, when high on E) and he said no and she hadn't said anything. This is a good friend of mine and I'm 99.99% sure he would've said something if he knew the girl liked me more
Just want to clarrify this a bit. He said that no, he hadn't heard that she liked me more than a friend. However, he was also high at the time so I see there as being a possibility that he was just taken by suprise and said no just to clear the air. Also, she told me about 30min/1hr before that conversation that she had a crush on me when she first met me, but she was also high at this point. It makes it so much harder, because some people would say E brings out your true feelings but I don't really believe that, so I take everything that was said with a pinch of salt.
depressed as usual!
honestly i think you should just drop the whole thing and focus your attentions on another girl. this is where you get to see how she reacts.
Hi me.
At the moment, I'm preparing to set sail for yet another fail though. That's what I like to do.
single female, moving on from a previous love, but not knowing where to look.
Male; I'm interested in several girls, but I have trouble initiating any relationships because I've spent my whole life trying to avoid relationships. Summary of options:
1- Currently has a bf, but she and I have been very close despite that. No matter what I can't seem to resist her. She's breaking up with him soon.
2- We met at a party a while ago, and we really hit it off. I've only seen her a couple of times since then, but we talk for hours on the phone. I get that happy buzz when I talk to her. She
single male, only one real long-term relationship, too many short-term and one-night stands. sometimes feels unlovable. so usually will take the first thing that comes, but neither of us stay for long. probably sadder than the guy that cant get laid.
cant find anyone who would want to be with me for any real amount of time :(
whine whine.
but that's what this is for, right?
(cont'd) is very religious; I am very not. this hasn't caused a problem yet as she is very accepting of others views- We have even debated the relative merits of various religions without consequence. I feel a compulsion to be totally honest with her, even if it's about secrets nobody needs to know that will probably lessen her opinion of me. Believer in sex being pointless beyond the purpose of procreation, but I think that is only due to lack of experience.
single male, havent had a "real" relationship, every girl seems taken or out of reach
single female. 18 years old. Female friends and strangers alike tell me i'm pretty, but i have NEVER once in my life been approached by a boy. I'm getting reather lonely, but in the same situation as >>1, i'm a bit afraid to "take the plunge".
I'm in love with a man i could only be with if hell froze over. It really fuckin' sucks.
I know, finding the haystack is sometimes more difficult than finding the needle in it.
Single male, 18. Havent even been kissed yet.
I am not particularly un-attractive, I have had girls have crushes on me in the past but I think I spend too much time in-doors.
I am hoping college will be different.
>I am hoping college will be different
The main thing will be to motivate yourself to go outside and socialise. It won't just happen that you turn up at college and everything about you is different, but it is a very good time to try to improve yourself as you are starting from scratch with your relationships with other people.
21, male, single, virgin, lonely, shy. ;_;
Single male, 20. Never had a serious relationship, never cared. Basically, I'm a self absorbed and not particularly emotional kind of person. Don't much care about other peoople. Short, meaningless flings suit me just fine, I prefer not to have anyone in my life too much. Sucks, I guess, but that's how I am.
Except... now I've met someone who I think I genuinely care about. Being around her makes me happy, and what's more, I want her to be happy too. I... I don't know how to explain it! This is honestly a new experience for me.
And we're never, ever going to become more than just friends. Shit sucks. :|
18 year old male virgin. I've met more than a few people. Problem is, I can never drum up the courage to get something started, nor do I have any idea what to say when I am interested in someone.
Female, never had a boyfriend before, and not really caring about relationships... Haven't kissed anyone before, let alone anything else >_>;;
Even if I did like someone, I'm completely introverted, and I can barely talk to my best friend in person without stuttering, let alone confess to anyone...
I also avoid talking on the phone at all costs. I can't talk to anyone on the phone (Well, maybe my family) without having a semi-panic attack >_>;;
Im the exact same as this guy. I hope it all changes at Uni. Closest I ever got was Internet relationships :<
i'm single now, until today i was engaged. my girlfriend broke up with me because she "found" an imvu profile that she said was mine. for quite a while someone had been stalking me and pretending to be me on the internet, until today i hadn't had any luck finding out who it was. a couple hours after she broke up with me i found out that she made that imvu profile.
why do girls do shit like this? it's hard to believe someone could do something so horrible, always accusing me of having some sort of secret life on the internet and acting like she didn't believe that someone else was pretending to be me when it was actually her that was doing it. i'm never going to trust a girl again.
Same, but male.
I try to tough it out, but that just gets harder and harder as the years go on. It's torturous -- I'd like to be with someone, but at the same time, I also don't. I can't possibly imagine what sort of unholy circumstance would be required for me to end up in a relationship, and even if I did get that far, I can't imagine it would end well.
Doesn't help that there's a girl who's been awfully friendly to me the past couple of years. We only meet in extracurriculars, so we're involved in the same activity for a couple of months and then see nothing of each other for the rest of the year. Considering that, and that I'm pretty far from being Prince Charming, I have no idea why she persists in being so goddamned friendly around me.
I'm pretty positive she's not "interested" in me -- she's the extroverted sort, and is friendly around everyone -- but I still wish she'd stop. And I can't just go up to her and tell her that she needs to stay away from me, in case I make an ass of myself when it turns out she was being nothing other than friendly.
Fortunately, I graduate in a few months -- and hopefully I'll make it into a PhD program at a university far, far away from here.
I don't know what it is, but lately I've gone from "OMG NEED SOMEONE" to not giving a shit. I've been so preoccupied with life my care has gone dry.
That and there is no one available at all...
Come my fellow singles. Lets not only swap lonley and bitter stories. We should encourage each other and help to better each other. Huddling in our lil corner of the internet will not bring change. Come on guys!
Im gonna try and ask this girl at the mall out on a date, this weekend. I might need to drink a little before I go, but damn it! I must do it!
Single male here, Just out of a relationship that lasted for 2 months. It had a terrible ending as my relationship usually do. My longest relationship has been for 4 months. I'm 22 now and I suppose I should be mature enough to make things last longer. If you happen to be interested in the story behind my last relationship let me know.
Of course we are. Please develop.
I fell in love with a girl some times ago. Like, badly. However she isn't interested in me. I don't really know how, but that triggered something inside of me. I cut my hair, started exercising more regularly (heck, I'm starting to grow some muscle, nothing really impressive but still it's here and if I continue like this I might not look like a shrimp this summer); I started learning a new instrument, started to read more again, fuck, I'm full of energy trying to improve in every possible field. I might even pick up back my german, and start japanese again.
And yet it's kind of depressing because I know I do this only with her on my mind, knowing I'll never get her. Blah. But I guess at least it will be somewhat useful. It's probably better than mourning in my corner.
Single female here. I went out with this guy for eight months, then got we broke up over something stupid, went out again with him for a month two months later, and now I'm back single cause he thinks that dumping me will solve his communication issues.
Sorry. There's my rant.
>>35 here
This is the story of my 2 month relationship. We have known each other for almost 3 years and used to date while she wasn't in a relationship. During all those 3 years we never had an argument and it was pretty comfortable to be around her. In july her longest relationship ended (a bit more than a year). The all her attention got diverted to me and then we started to spend more time together and gave me the "signs" or at least that's what I thought. We got something serious(?) by september. Then it all started with a date when we accorded to go for dinner. I was coming from home while she from work and we agreed to meet at the spot, I got there first so I got the table for both of us. When she arrived she was with someone, later I learnt she was her ex-girlfriend who she met by chance(?)so she decided to invite her. I was not so concerned and I even found the ex to be a nice person.
After that my chick start to cancel our appointments out of the blue, just a couple of hours beforehand. Then we started with the silly arguments. Once everything seemed to be alright, it was late at night and I was about to go to bed when I received a message from her saying a lot of offensive stuff. I didn't reply , next day I sent a message saying that whatever the problem is I'm sure we could solve it. Next day she calls me because somehow she deleted the drivers of the USB port, I provided tech support and then I enquired about that message to which she replied "I was too drunk and I don't remember anything". I decided to buy her rubish.
Later on I had exams and she became more demanding of my time. She would make a tantrum that wouldn't last long but still it'd consume my time. 3-4 days before my last exam I just didn't bring my mobile along but when I got home I used to read messages like "this rainy day reminds me of you" "I decided to draw today but I ran out of pencils" and shit telling me every single of her activities and thought during the day.
In the end of exams party I got my ticket and my whole plan was to catch up with my colleagues. She called me in the afternoon asking me about my plans, I said I was going for dinner and then I'd go to the party. She said "oh, that's alright, count me in" I didn't mind it. When we arrived to the venue she met one of her friends who I dig. while I was with them I met my colleagues and left for a while then I'd come back and meet someone else and so on. At some point I was outside then it started raining, I come in but the person who I was talking to got lost while getting in. I found my chick and I got close to her group of people, when I got close they stop talking which made me feel uncomfortable so I just leave, but while I'm leaving I thought I saw the person I was looking for so I turned back again and there she is giving me the middle finger and obviously making fun of me. I got closer again and asked "what was that", she plays dumb and pretends she doesn't know what I talk about. I thought it was a waste of time to argue there so I left to look for the person I was looking for. Later she messages me "is everything ok", I reply "yeah, when are you planning to leave?". After 2 hours I didn't get a reply and I couldn't see her around. I left with a friend.
>>38 continued
When I got home I went straight to my bed and I heard my mobile but didn't bother. Next morning I check my messages:
Followed by 3 missed calls.
Later I enquired about her giving me the middle finger and she said again she was too drunk to remember. She did the same when she said I was full of rubish. Anyway, Next day I message her early in the morning, as I was going to pass by her place on my way to an appointment I wanted to know if I could pick a book up from her. She started an argument without even answering my question, I assumed correctly that she was at home so I stoped there to pick my book but she refused to come out. I left. Later on she messages me to invite me to some event. I accepted and we met, she was somehow unwilling to talk but eventually we talked just before the show and I thought everything was ok now. After the show I noticed she had been shopping so I asked just to make some small talk what she had bought. She give me the "it is not your business", I asked her back "there are many ways to say the same thing, was it really necessary to say it that way?", she thinks for a few seconds and goes "yeah, not your business" and that was it. I was really mad this time. I went all the way to her place to pick my book, in the whole way we didn't speak a single word. When we got there she went in and brought back my book and some other of my stuff she had. I took it and left without a single word"
And since then we haven't talked. She sent me a textless e-mail for christmass which I didn't reply.
Your original post said:
>I'm 22 now and I suppose I should be mature enough to make things last longer.
As I understand it - well I don't have both sides of the stories, so of course I might be wrong - this girl isn't really stable, and so you shouldn't blame yourself if things didn't last any longer.
Bad luck, that's it. Too bad you lost a friend for this... well, keep your morale up and don't be too hard on yourself.
I went to a Rocky Horror Picture Show showing tonight and I am somewhat more into someone i wasn't previously into because... I don't know. Just, the way they were there and being the aisle walker guy. He has become more appealing I guess.
I should go for it, but it'll be my first relationship. Id it better to go for a possibly bad first relationship, or wait for a really good one? I mean, if you wait for a good one, it may be good for a very long time, then it falls to shit and every date thereafter is shit compared to that first one. If I were to get a possibly bad first, maybe it'll build experience/make me know what not to looks for/make every other date seem better.
Ok I'm bantering. But I may not be single. This is an extremely scary thought...
>being the aisle walker guy
What's an aisle walker guy? Like leading his friends to their seats?
>>42 Chillax. Date. Things will fall into place if you just let yourself flow with life.
Single male, reporting for duty!
Mission specs! Age: 23! Status: Never had a gf! Objective: one day I would like all that love-love stuff! Current status: Too busy doing nothing and being afraid to actually look for a gf XD
>>42 In case you haven't made a move based on this whole "have a different experience to learn" thing yet, my advice is either to set up a date with two people for the immediate future, then take what you know and ask said guy out, or to talk with people who Do know what they're doing, get details, and ask the guy out.
Don't take too long;you could miss your shot.
i am 17 today and have always been alone...
i feel a little better about it than i did a year ago, at least. maybe things can really change? it's not too late, yet...