Has anyone else resigned themselves to the fact they are going to die alone?
I have, Im ok with that for now. I suppose when I really start freaking out, I will cry. But right now I am going to die alone, and thats the plan unless some wonderful girl comes along in vegas.
No, I'm not going to give up. Never again.
Of course, I will give up on any one woman.
But I won't give up on them all.
I'm starting to give up...
It only takes a little effort not to wind up alone. Come on folks don't be so dramatic, there's someone for everyone. Just look at the suggestions in http://4-ch.net/love/kareha.pl/1199773716/l50 there's plenty of great advice there.
I kind of resigned myself to that, despite being somewhat lucky in getting boyfriends. I just don't like any of them.
Same thing with girlfriends. I could have had some, but I didn't like them enough.
I'm a 25 year old virgin grad student and I don't know whether or not I'll die alone but I'd be satisfied with either case. Throughout my teenage years I liked looking at women but I never had an urge to get into a relationship. I'm not asexual, I fap but not that often, but objectively my sex drive is low. This attitude continued all the way into my college years. As an engineer, the field is totally male-dominated, and I'm so absorbed in my work I don't have time to go out to clubs or bars (not interested in that scene anyway) It doesn't help that I'm afflicted with acne and eczema.
Who knows, maybe when I'm 30 I'll suddenly have the urge to get married.
I don't really care, I enjoy my fairly lonely life.
As a man with several prominent physical deformities, I know my chances of finding someone (at least a "normal" girl, anyway) are basically zero.
I'm sure I could find someone if I kept at it, but I've tried pretty hard already. Some years back, I got sick of trying. Even for regular guys, finding a girl is hard enough once you graduate from school; for a guy like me, it's virtually impossible. You've got to sift through so much damn chaff just to find the wheat, and have to endure such withering treatment from most of the girls you do meet, that I'd have to be insane to keep trying.
I've got my porn, I've got my hobbies, and I've learned that I'm fine with just that. Other folks can play the dating game; I plan on living contentedly alone.
I really wish you had spelled mourned correctly.
I'm in that phase right now. Pretty hard too.
Sad part is, I haven't even tried that hard. But my lack of ever making female friends by myself has discouraged me. That and I just can't see myself in a relationship. I don't know how it'd come about.
I'm only 19, but still. It really sucks, that's for sure.
Good 'ol SO RONERY threads, I feel right at home.
28 years old, never had a girlfriend, plenty of female friends who I never pursued because they already had boyfriends/husbands. I'm pretty sure I'm in the Die Alone Club. One thing that irks me is that regardless of all the other advice people give, when people say 'go out if you want to meet people', I ask "Go out where?", and there is inevitable silence.
Also: Most girls seem to not be interested in guys such as myself who won't put out until marriage and have never had a girlfriend. Go figure. They say they want a guy who sticks to his beliefs...apparently there's exceptions they forget to mention.
Anyway..back to homework and some more BMD.
Actually some of us aren't "SO RONERY".
Personally, I'm totally OK with the fact I'm going to die 'alone'.
If you're comfortable being "alone", then it's a Clayton's alone, the alone you have when you're not having an alone.
Wait, what?
20, never felt even a hint of affection from the opposite sex. I swing between indifference and depression. Right now I want to die, as stupid and dramatic as that sounds. I'm overweight but not so much that I get looks (I'm in the dreaded neutral zone) of disgust, more like the occasional 'meh' that I catch out of the corner of my eye. I'm told that I have a handsome face (A mixture of Tony Soprano and Leo DiCaprio), for whatever thats worth (not fucking much, let me tell you). I have a serious case of self-hatred right now though. I seriously want to punch the mirror every time I look in it.
I'm in a Community College right now, building up credits so I can transfer to a University. The social life here is basically nil. No one in class shares my interests, small talk is frigid and clipped at best, and when the periods end, everyone just silently shuffles to their next shit class. I have no job, and frankly I don't want one, I don't much like customer service and that's the only kind of job that I have available at my age (I don't like assholes walking over me all day, managers and customers included, and all the good stocking jobs are night shifts).
Once in a while I feel like dying, which alarms me.
22 here, college junior.
I don't know how to talk to people.
I know how to act, but don't know how to talk to people. Thus if I talk to people for more than just a few words or for too often I start running out of things to say.
Also I'm not interested in most popular music or sports, and I don't even own a TV. So the only thing I can really talk about is the weather.
And I have anything to do at clubs, bars or parties, unless I'm there to watch specific groups by myself.
This is why I've never had a friend or a girlfriend. Though, I'm not sure if I need or want friends. I eventually want a wife, but that's probably impossible.
I can't go outside without feeling the need to vomit or have an emotional collapse.
Money is running low so I need to go back to work.
I also don't have anyone to talk to and that's my fault, however, the only other people I've had as friends are people who are even worse off than me i.e : hikkikomori assholes.
My last friend was a furry hikki. fuck that's so sad, it's good to have people I can still look down on.
Yes. I'm 18. I am either looking for someone who will indulge with me emotionally or intellectually, all or none. I am afraid I will find neither. I am also quite 'boring' by most standards. I like "gamer girl" types, but only for their spontaneity and (general) honesty. I don't play console or PC games. I'm not sure it's possible to find a girl who likes chess. Maybe I should just wait until I graduate university if I am to have any hope in finding a like-minded person (ideally, I want someone to do academic research with - the romance will follow suit).
I don't want to fall in love... For me relationship is too much work.
So I am the odd one out here ha ha ha.
I am a lazy one after al.