ULTIMATE rock and a hard place (10)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-16 22:48 ID:mzztN3IH

Okay, situation: I really, really, REALLY like this one chick. We're friends, there's an opportunity if I'd move on it. (PS I am pretty bad at that which does not help at all) She seems relatively uninterested in me, and I say that very loosely. She's flirty, but keeps me (and basically every other man alive) at a distance; not because she doesn't like me or anything, but because she acts like she's waiting for someone to sweep her off her feet or something. (I could at least do this, I don't suck that hard.) (fyi she is a disney fan -- disney princess complex theory?)
There is another girl that is REALLY digging on me. She very aggressively hits on me, hinting at sex all the time and the sorts. I really, really don't want any of that, not because I'm a dumbfuck, but because I haven't even attempted to date in the last three+ years. If I'm going to jump back into the pool, I'd rather go with someone I genuinely like and not a quick fuck. (talk about mother of all rebound fuck-ups (;・Д・ ) ) To complicate matters, girl that really wants the cock is best friends with chick I really like.

So, should I talk with girl I like first and then break the news to other chick if necessary? This seems like the best way out. Whatever the solution, it's going to suck.
Open to suggestions.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-16 23:46 ID:6GUc7t6q

>We're friends, there's an opportunity if I'd move on it
>She seems relatively uninterested in me
>keeps me (and basically every other man alive) at a distance

Are you sure it's you that she is wanting to come and sweep her off her feet? If you can go all out, then yeah I suppose it's worth a try. Just bear in mind unless you are amazing at fitting that prince charming role she is waiting for then it's going to be a resounding 'no'. And that could get pretty embarassing if you've obviously tried to be all prince charming but it backfires she won't want to see you. Basically, it's up to you to decide if the risk is worth it and if you can get her.

As for the second girl, don't worry. If you don't hint back about sex then she will soon get bored and move onto somebody else who will fuck her. Because it sounds like she just wants a fuck and not a relationship. I wouldn't say it matters too much about the two girls being friends. You could basically hint to the second girl that you aren't interesting in a quick fuck. If she keeps trying it on, it could mean that she actually wants to make a commitment to be your girlfriend; or it could just be that she likes a challenge. If she stops all the sex talk then it's safe to go after the first girl, because the second girl won't get too jealous. However, there is a chance that by being too 'prude' with the second girl that she will present you to her friend as being an immasculated man, not worthy of a relationship.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-17 04:39 ID:zlpfw+NU

Return and post with the story of how you managed to screw up BOTH chances. That will be much more entertaining than this.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-17 04:43 ID:mzztN3IH

OP here, just came back from a very interesting meeting. Well, afterwards it was interesting. Second girl is thinking relationship, still don't know too much on first girl. I forgot to mention that we (myself and girl 1) tease each other often over small things. I'm assuming she's basically run the gamut and is pretty much looking for either a) someone new and exciting that she's not had before or b) the physical embodiment of perfection. She was really hot for one guy but he's been taken for months. Maybe she's waiting for that. I hope not. :|

I'm tempted to take what's behind door number 2 and just tell the girl I'd personally rather be with what is going on, because girl two is much more determined than I thought. I will probably do all of this tomorrow.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-17 13:44 ID:9AVKd8i6

Talk to girl 1 about girl 2. That'll make her jealous. Girls often rate guys proportionally to the number of how many other girls (close friends of them is a plus) run after him.

Well it's not everything but it raises your "value".

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-20 07:13 ID:O1pFRcja

>>5 speaks truth.

the guys i've been really hot for have always had tons of girls chasing after them. wtf is up with that? must be one of our subcinscious girl things.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-23 20:42 ID:foYn0fxy

Settle for number two. It's better to have a girl who likes you than to like a girl you don't have.

It doesn't have to be a mystery with everything, how about these guys are just very likeable?

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-23 21:22 ID:WT1MO3L/

Hang with female friends attracts other girls to you. Because as you seem to have a good feeling with females, they assume you are someone "good". Or gay, but that depends on your behaviour.

9 Name: persistent idiot : 2008-01-24 19:03 ID:Cr564aZo

What >>3 said... embrace the inevitable failure like Tony Romo.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-24 21:40 ID:qa81WJq4

> must be one of our subcinscious girl things.

I know for a fact it is, and I can prove it simply by wearing a wedding band on my finger.
This does not work in reverse.

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