Go for it? (8)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 08:56 ID:21g+Wh+e

So I first met this girl my 2nd year in college, never really talked to her, but then had a math class with her in my 3rd year, where sometimes she'd come to my dorm and work on hmwk/study together. Treated her to dinner with her sometimes, and went out a few times to her place where we watched some movies and game. I also lent her a game (which she never got to play).

Anyways, since we didn't really have classes afterwards, we didn't keep in touch, I called her once during the summer, but she wasn't around. Fast forward to sometime this november/december, I randomly see her eating some of her old guy roommates. We chat for a while, she says she still has to return my game to me, and we should hang out sometime.

Fast forward till now. In the past 3? or 4 weeks or so I've been to her place to play Rock Band (roomies join sometimes), watch a movie, play Valve games (beat portal in like 4 hours), and I even showed her a touhou game. Friday I took her to a friend's party, where we all got piss drunk. She didn't dance with me, but she didn't dance because she said she can't.

I really do like this girl, but now I'm not sure whether to ask her out, for fear of already being in the "friend zone" and fucking up what I already have (a lot of gaming). And then, I have no idea HOW to ask her out. Advice or opinions?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 09:04 ID:KDo5PCIi

Go for it,... The best way is by taking her to do stuff that people do on dates (movies, etc). Do spend some time talking to her to know her better, and act on that knowledge, it will make her feel happy and understood

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 09:19 ID:21g+Wh+e


Thanks. Given that there are no good movies coming out soon and she's already seen cloverfield, should we just rent something again?

I know she's a bio major who's interested in work with chromosomes, and likes video games, but scared of F.E.A.R, Doom 3 or Ravenholm in HL2. Other than that, where she went to high school, and her taste in alternative/punk rock, thats it. What other topics to cover, besides politics?

Advice from others is still/always welcome.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 10:35 ID:YllDRqx5

Team games are always fun, play TF2 with her online?

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-04 17:52 ID:21g+Wh+e


Only one account, and my laptop can't handle steam. She's just using my acct to play.

And Fuck, I think I have the flu now.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-05 01:50 ID:5btloobC

That's a great oppertunity for you, bitches love the flu!

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-06 08:14 ID:21g+Wh+e

op here, Valentines day is coming up. If I ask her to dinner that day, but pose it in a non-date way, you think she'll get the picture?

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-06 14:59 ID:NwZmSebm

Yup, but just ask her out on February fourteenth, and not "for Valentine's day". If she cares, she'll get it.

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