A Literal Dream Girl (85)

1 Name: Daydreamer : 2008-02-19 09:24 ID:xEY9oyIf

(I know it's a long read, but feel free to skip the whole thing and only read the two-sentence tl;dr summary. It sums it up quite well.)

Hello, /love/.
I'm new to this place, but from what I've read here, I have the impression that you people are kind and understanding and give good advice. There's something I've been wanting to get off my chest for quite some time now, and I think this might be the right place to talk about it. Will you listen to my story?

I'm a twenty year old guy, and my romantic situation is quite simple. I, undoubtedly like many of you, do not have a lover and have never had one, and I, probably like some of you, do not think I will or should ever get into a romantic relationship.
Being a high functioning autistic, I have enough trouble even understanding casual friends and acquaintances, let alone a lover. I don't think any romantic relationship of mine would have a bright future. On top of that, I'm incredibly shy.

But that's not my problem. In fact, possibly unlike any of you, I'm fine with being alone. Or so I think, at least.
The complicated part is the solution that I have found to counter that dreaded feeling of loneliness. This is also the reason why I won't talk to people about this, save anonymously to people who have probably seen weirder things, because I'm afraid they'll consider me crazy for it.

I've always been a daydreamer. Eventually I started daydreaming about what it would be like to have a girlfriend. What she would be like, the romantic adventures that we would have together, the things we would talk about, the many ways we would find to express how much we love each other. This daydream is now so intricate and consistent that I now basically have an imaginary lover.
But unlike all those "I fill a rubber glove with warm water and hold it to pretend I'm holding hands with a girl ;_;" sob stories, I'm actually happy with this situation. I really am. It's an outlet for those feelings of affection and for that craving to be with someone I love, feelings that would probably never be fulfilled in the real world. In dreams I have found a way to turn desire into satisfaction, without fulfilling it in the real world.
On the other hand, I can't help having the feeling that this is wrong. Not that that thought would ever occur to me, because I'm content about my status quo. But when anyone else talks about stuff like this, they say it like it's the epitome of roneriness and anyone who would do such a thing must be really sad and pitiful. Not to mention that they are a nerd, pathetic, a failure at life, a disgrace to mankind, et cetera.
I'm not delusional or escapist. I'm quite aware that she isn't real, and I don't disregard my real life for this dream, except perhaps its romantic aspects. I also only ever meet her in daydreams, rather than talking to an empty chair or drinking a glass of lemonade with the other straw pressed to the face on the screen. But I still have an imaginary girlfriend.

What do you think? Is it wrong to resort to dreams where the real world leaves holes?
More specifically, should I stop doing this?

tl;dr: I'm an adult with an imaginary girlfriend. Is this pathetic and/or wrong? (Y/N)

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