I was just turned down (34)

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-09 16:27 ID:xGhE9KsQ

Congrats. You got rejected, the first of many. Don't take it personally when a girl turns you down, it will happen. But you are fortunate, you are one of the few on this board that has the courage to ask out a girl. You lost 35 pounds and you are losing more. Awesome. You are working on becoming a better person, this shows the quality person you are. You will find someone who will see how hard you are working to become a better person. So don't worry about finding a girl or finding that special someone, that will come with time. Self-esteem and confidence is something you find in yourself and no one can give it to you. That being said, it means no one can take it from you. You should understand you are worth something and you will win in the end. Other than that, all I can wish for is for you to have a good life and tell us when you find your love, because I'm quite sure you will.

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