Mixed Signals... (56)

1 Name: Yoshiya : 2008-04-30 04:10 ID:hGU/i/K/

So... lately, I've been hanging out with this girl. We've been getting together about twice a weekend to sit in her dorm and watch anime or television alone. Anyway, as you could probably figure, she's an otaku as well as me.

Anyway, she's said things such as wanting to watch shows with me and how she wants to watch me play FFXIII when it comes out, and I get the feeling she's into me as well.

Then... last week, she sends me an IM. She says she asked a guy out and he turned her down, and I comfort her a little. I kinda suck at this though, and I restrain myself from going "You're an amazingly special girl and I have no idea why anyone would possibly turn you down."

But basically, all of this happens, and then she drops that bomb on me. It just doesn't make sense...

Does anyone know what to make of this?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 07:24 ID:ZvMBT9Sw

Wait..."But basically, all of this happens, and then she drops that bomb on me"

Did she tell you she likes you?

If not...then here's an answer: YOU'RE A SHOULDER TO LEAN ON!!! Wake up and realize she's just a friend to you.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 08:54 ID:axQVThXe

It might be she wanted you to react.

But more probably, it is what >>2 said.

Try your luck or abandon hope.

4 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-30 10:41 ID:wzQJ5Ny5

Girls are tricky, sometimes they say things like that to test you, sometimes they drop hints like that to say, "hey! I really really like you, but not like that, see, I was interested in another guy when you thought I was interested in you."

I'm trying to think of times I maybe have done something similar.

but if she asked him out, one would assume that she is the type to take initiative... >>2 sounds right to me.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 11:08 ID:Heaven

lol friendzoned

6 Name: Yoshiya : 2008-04-30 11:44 ID:hGU/i/K/

Sorry, I meant she dropped the bomb on me by saying that she asked this other guy out. Should have been a bit more clear.

Anyway, while my pessimistic side wants to believe I've been friendzoned, the whole thing just seemed a bit too... weird. She didn't seem all that sincere about it, and well, I am dating a nerd. We're all social engineers at heart.

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