Mixed Signals... (56)

51 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-01 10:27 ID:zvbskoO7

>> 50,

it is clear that her feelings did not change since your confession, or else she wouldn't have called you. And about the hugs thing, if she hugs all her friends but you, then you're not her any other friends (does she hug other guy friends too?)

i think you should initiate contact, and just ask her for a hug. and make it a regular thing that you guys do when you guys meet. get a hug from her.

the thing with you telling her before the summer break, leaves her unsure too probably if you still feel the same way for her. But since all her friends jokes about you two together, and it's likely that she's told her friends and she's happy about it. :) awwww, don't worry, relationships take time, don't rush into things until she's ready.

when going out, just hold her hands. :)

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