The girl at the bus stop. (25)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-02 01:48 ID:/veb9h7s

Hey guys,

As the title imply, theres this girl who gets off at the same bus stop as me on the way to work. Some times we catch each others eyes for more then that split second and my heart goes all funny. But after we exit the bus she talkes to her friends and walks towards the office buildings and I walk the other direction to the warehouses.

Anyone know any good way to approach a girl without coming off weird?

2 Name: rr_14 : 2008-06-02 01:50 ID:U4ir+85q

Sit next to her on the bus and try to have a convo with her. There really is no real way to come off normal and not a creepy stalker here :P

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-02 03:06 ID:HSAhZ9hw

What about "Hey there! I noticed we take the same bus every morning, so why not chat it up a little on our way to work?"

Just come off as a friendly guy trying to have a bit of fun on the boring bus ride at first; then try to ramp it up from here.

I have been in this situation, and I made good friends with the girl. The situation didn't evolve in romance though I think it could have had. I guess the time wasn't right for either of us, but well.

So I guess it's not impossible.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-02 07:55 ID:vcCJMimO

>>What about "Hey there! I noticed we take the same bus every morning, so why not chat it up a little on our way to work?"

Hahahaha, yeah right

Seriously, you'll have to take your chances with coming off as wierd in this case. In any which way, you simply cannot play it casual, she will understand what's going on.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-02 12:03 ID:k+5dzOXw

manufacture some kind of situation where you'll have to talk to her, i suppose. anyone just coming out with "hi there!" to a stranger on public transport will generally seem weird. although i think it varies between countries how much you can actually get away with in that respect.

often if you can make a passing comment complaining about the state of the bus or how it's late or whatever, that can be a good opener; the worst response you'd generally get to something like that is a non-commital "yeah". and if she's interested back (hey you never know) she might take the opportunity and strike up an actual conversation.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-02 16:59 ID:HSAhZ9hw

Once you overcome the fear of saying "hi" and learn to look friendly and aren't aggressive, you'd be surprised how people get intrigued by that, exactly because they're not used to it (ok, some people will be scared anyway). Although I must agree that it probably depends on the country/culture.

In which regards is that a problem? If OP can play it right with her suspecting his intent, it's all for the better. And if he doesn't, it means he had no chance in the first place.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-04 04:25 ID:K/UW43IK

Complaint idea = bad. Either notice something particular about her (not her eyes or something else generic) and point out that you like it, or (and perhaps this is better) say "We've seen each other around, but don't know anything about each other. My name's __. Have you ever been to/done/seen ___?"

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-04 16:16 ID:XGzQTxX+

I'm scared when guys talk to me on the bus. It's rather creepy. What if they get off and follow me home afterwards? Don't talk to her on the bus.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-04 16:17 ID:XGzQTxX+

Go to her office and raep.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-06 01:27 ID:CTpDEKHN

>>8 That isn't the first time I've heard that before. Of course there have been times when girls have tried to pick up on me when I was riding the subway.

It's all about chances. There is no sure way that it will lead to something. But the good thing is there are no tricks involved. Next time your eyes meet, just smile, wave and say 'hi'. She might ignore you and look away. Or she might say 'hi' back and you can go from there.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-06 03:12 ID:rRBpTnbD

Creepy is defined by how attracted you are to the person.

Ugly guy hitting on me at the bus stop = ew, get away from me, you weirdo! D: D:

Cute boy talking to me at the bus stop = Oh, hi...Yes, I have noticed you around...;)

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-06 05:06 ID:rB8ol3uz

lol I guess that is true. Now that I think about if a cute girl smiles at me on the subway I'm like 'yesss'

But if she's not my type, I kinda of give her the 'what are you lookin at?' eye.

uh heheh ^_^

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-06 22:00 ID:Heaven

Beep you!

heheh ^_^

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-07 06:30 ID:vcCJMimO

Which is totally disgusting in turn and one of the many reasons I hate people.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-07 22:50 ID:Heaven

>>14 is ugly.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-08 07:43 ID:LP2ge4lz

Don't know if >>14 is ugly, but he sure can't rejection if he hates her afterwards :P

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-08 08:33 ID:yNQ6wMsy

>>15 truer words were never spoken!

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-09 06:41 ID:8Sy0+6XK

Just use the universal conversation starter, "Hey, how's it going?"

I mean you've been riding the same bus as her for awhile now. It won't come off as awkward. (I think......)

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-09 07:04 ID:uznfL/vX

Roark her.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-12 08:29 ID:vcCJMimO


You're wrong on all points, allow me to explain:
The ugly guy "hitting" on you is being honest and curageous. In his mind he has to be, because that is all he has to build on.
The cute guy "talking to you" is using strategy to get inside your panties. You'll know this from the tips in this thread. He doesn't really give a shit about the conversation, he just knows he can "get it" and how.
He can pretend to become your friend because he knows you'll be hot for him anyway. The "ugly" guy knows that if he becomes your friend, he will be your friend and nothing else, and that will only break his heart and make you awkward once you realize.

So what you have here is a good, decent and honest guy being straight about his intentions, and he would most likely also appriciate and take good care of you.
And then you have the scheeming cockhead who's only interested in fucking you, and have no reason to appriciate or take care of you because he knows there's always someone better, since he has already fucked everyone and their mothers. If you're appriciative enough of his awesomeness he will use you for a while, until a better deal comes along.

Then you have me, the curious exception. The one who is the cute guy at the bus-stop NOT talking to you because on the inside he's like the ugly guy. And he knows the only reason all those girls want him to come and talk to them is because he's the cute guy.
I can't handle rejections? Motherfucker, I can't even be friends with girls. Every last girl who's befriended me has also fallen for me, and instead of having a friend you end up with emotional drama bullshit, it's not even flattering it's just a pain in the ass.

If I could have one honest girl who actually had the courage to tell me up straight what she wants, I would fucking marry her just for that. But no one even dares to hit on me, I only get retarded friendships and at best some cautious flirting before they set themselves reeling for the exit because they realize I don't want their faggotry.
I almost wish I was ugly so I could have a normal miserable life instead of this shit.

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-12 23:57 ID:/veb9h7s

^oh poor you, your too handsome.

whatever dude.

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-13 01:51 ID:Heaven

You heard it here first, ugly men are saints who would never take advantage of a woman.
Those poor decent, honest, hardworking, noble ugly men.
Next time you get in a jam, just ask yourself:

(Also, women are faggots)

23 Name: 20 : 2008-06-13 06:26 ID:Heaven

>>20 here, disregard that I suck cocks.

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-13 10:08 ID:vcCJMimO

I was speaking about the ones pulling such shit specifically. People hardly ever come and talk to you out of the blue like that, there's always an agenda.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-15 21:33 ID:fmgeCa/V

oh man...boy will never understand girls and girls will never understand boys like this..........

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