wat goes on in HIS mind? (34)

20 Name: lil_snow.angel : 2008-07-08 09:14 ID:ypW6NUSV

2day was fairly enjoyable. we talked n laughed mostly. i brought up the topic over dessert (well, more like drinks) the way >>15 wanted.
except i'm not really sure about the meaning of his answer. he kept dodging the question even though i insisted 3 times that he answer it. well, not really INSIST but more like 'pressed on the subject' without sounding in the least bit annoyed (annoyed because he wasn't answering).
he kept saying that the question is "hypothetical" n that it is a very hard question. he also admitted that he's never ever thought about these questions in his life. he also saidd that if he was to answer it, he would most definitely answer it seriously and that we would then have to talk about other stuff related to it.
by the looks of it, do u think he's avoiding the awkwardness of having a heart-to-heart, face-to-face open discussion?
now how do i interpret all this? HELP, my fellow 4-channelers!!!

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