I like this girl, we get along great. but she has a boyfriend (17)

1 Name: jappie : 2008-07-09 06:10 ID:aHU9GtKh

i really like this girl in class. we get along great and all but she has a boyfriend.. she says that things have been rough with her boyfriend, and they had just gotten together the past month, i dont know what to do! can anyone give me advice?

2 Name: lil_snow.angel : 2008-07-09 08:40 ID:EQB8JN9P

i will give u good advice, i hopee =]

well, first of all, she must consider u a good friend to admit that things r rough between her bf n herself... rite?
have u even told her your true feelings for her? does she know u like her to b ur gf?
if she doesn't know, i suggest u pour out your heart. but don't sound too desperate because it's not the right moment. i'll bet u anything that she's in a state of confusion about her bf.
admit u've fallen for her. it's best to do it face-to-face so she'll know that you're sincere n genuine about it. tell her that, if the relationship she's in now doesn't work out, there's always another guy who is willing to accept her n love her for who she is (n that's u!). dun expect her to make a decision fast. dun hurry her. give her encouragement n support. gurls usually fall for the guy who is there to comfort them n support them when they really need it.
if u don't keep badgering her to cut off her relationship with her bf n start one with u, she'll come to u eventually. ur job is to give her the support she needs. b her knight in shining armour from a distance n she'll come to appreciate u.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-09 12:13 ID:Heaven

Oh, for fuck sake guys... Punctuation, grammar, formatting. All were created to make our language easier to read. Please use them, or the only people that can read your posts are people that bother to put extra effort into (not people like myself).

~Thank You

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-09 16:01 ID:Heaven

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-10 02:04 ID:Heaven

Wow, and then I use incorrect grammar myself to post that... What I meant was, "to put extra effort into it"

6 Name: jappie : 2008-07-10 08:39 ID:aHU9GtKh

>>2 well i think so? i'll try to tell her how i really feel about her, what ever her answer will be..

7 Name: lil_snow.angel : 2008-07-10 09:14 ID:EQB8JN9P

good luck jappie =D

8 Name: jappie : 2008-07-11 09:27 ID:aHU9GtKh

well today, when i was about to tell her how i feel, she broke me off and told me that things between her and her boyfriend are now getting smooth.. so i after she told me that i lost the courage to tell her how i really feel..
what do you think i should do now?? (*´Д`)ハァハァ

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-11 22:07 ID:cEEE/bib

>>8 You're friends and it seems like that's how she sees it.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-11 22:49 ID:HvYabeWR

Yeah. Or she's shit-testing you and wants to see if you have the balls to pull her away from her boyfriend (yeah, girls are like this sometimes, and it's not always a conscious process... that's sad). That is, she wants to see if you'll "fight" for her (that's not a litteral fight, though it might happen).

Either you suck it up and let things go their way (95% probability they'll stay together or they'll break up and she'll find someone else), or you comfront her and tell her it'd just be great if she dumped her insecure boyfriend (use that word) and just went with you. Which might result in her getting pissed off at you; her laughing it off, and maybe putting some distance; or her appreciating the fact and considering the solution.

I think your chances are dim anyway, but it's up to you to decide what to do now. Good luck!

11 Name: jappie : 2008-07-13 05:04 ID:JS1AWVI5

>>10 i think i'll tell her anyway, i hope that she doesn't take it the wrong way..(*´Д`)

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-13 14:09 ID:pjPJnm1I

Well that's one way to make things awkward.

As >>9 said, savour the friendship you have.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-13 23:40 ID:se4f+ulL


You, my friend, are in the friend zone. I have to say give up now. You either are (a) going to do nothing about it, and fit nicely into the non-threatening-friend space, or (b) attempt to wedge yourself between her and her boyfriend, which makes you an asshole. And not the asshole that girls like, but an asshole that girls hate.

If you feel that your feelings for her are turning you into an obsessive creep, best to tell her how you feel, and then understand (when she tells you that she sees you as a friend), that nothing will ever happen between the two, and lay the matter to rest. I actually did this this morning. It was not as painful as I thought it would be.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-13 23:49 ID:Heaven

Pain will come later.

Took me some months to realize that.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-15 02:04 ID:nbwyuJlK


Nah, not really, I kind of knew it wasn't going to work. She's 11 years older than me. You don't have far to fall when you have low expectations. I just hope the friendship holds up.

16 Name: jappie : 2008-07-15 05:16 ID:VU8tyHdS

still havent said it though.. shes just beside me in our computer class right now.. i think i wanna tell her.. but i dont know what to say..

17 Name: sleeper : 2008-07-15 12:03 ID:/RGz/sL7

For god's sake say it!
Nothing bad can happen either way.

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