Lately I've noticed lots of my friends using "i love you" too casually, I mean hell, they say it to their friends instead of "goodbye"
Which is where my problem came from, The girl i liked always said 'I love you' to me, when she just really wanted to be friends.
I spent forever thinking it was something special, I hate myself for falling in love with her, I want to stop but i can't.
In the end, she thought i was a stupid obsessive creep, even going so far as to say everything I ever said or did is just me trying to blackmail her into bed.
Now Im just.. lost.
She did keep in contact with me, as she always wanted to be a friend, but now.. she's just gone.
I suppose I deserve it though.
I could never stop saying how much I loved her.
Shit sux. Better luck next time.
>>1 bwahahaha, text-book "friend".
>>1 It's too bad, but take it as experience for the future:
It's no use putting pressure on the girl, if she's not on the same level of engagement as you. You need to seduce her instead of pestering her.
Think about it: often people don't start off with the same level of feelings. If the one who feels more constantly bombards his feelings on the other, the other one will feel very awkward, and it's not going to work. The person who has more feelings has to share good moments, not awkward moments with the other one.