It came... Its finally my chance (134)

78 Name: Woland : 2008-12-08 17:21 ID:6EVO2lkI

I think a nice thing to do would be suggest the two of you visit a garden (I hope it doesn't snow where you are) which would be a perfect place to tell her of your love or great liking for her. I'm sure you can come up with scenarios appropriate for this, but try perhaps suggesting the two of you rest in an area with plants that still are bearing some foliage or other, you know, to lighten your hearts, and then tell her you have something to say, and tell her. Afterwards, immediately hug her! Even kiss her.
Sorry if my idea seems a little silly, I just can't dissociate gardens and love. They are intertwined as far as I am concerned.
I'm sure everyone thinks I'm mad now, so I'll take my leave.

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