I like him, but.. (60)

1 Name: True : 2008-11-30 17:54 ID:s7rAqJDR

There's this guy in college. We call him M. I think I like him. I talked to him a few times. The thing is, he's a bit nerd. And people would he's soooo not my type. But I like him. He seems sincere. But I don't know what to talk with him. Despite that, I still think he's cute. If I could, I would like to spend a private moment with him, and just stare at him. I wannnntt M!

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-30 18:25 ID:+kPk7ews

Just go for it,... Who cares what other people think about it?

As for what to talk about, just ask him what are his interests (music, movies, whatever), and concentrate on shared interests. Rapidly you'll have more than enough talk fodder to last you a lifetime.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-30 18:27 ID:AFwiJNzG

I second >>2 's thought.

If you want him, go ahead and get him. Invite him for a coffee or something. Figure it out from there!

4 Name: True : 2008-12-01 00:56 ID:s7rAqJDR

I'd love to invite him for coffee, but I'm so scared to ask him. I mean, what if he rejects it? Believe it or not, the first time I ever talk to him, he asked for my MSN, but I was reluctant that time, so I didn't give him mine. Now, I would do any mean to get his! Anyhow, I don't want to look so desperate in any way. Past few weeks, when I bump into him, he would smile at me. But lately, I think he's intimidates by me, and whenever we bump into each other, he would just make a blank face. I really hope we can at least be close friend!

I afraid to ask him what's his interest. I mean, isn't it obvious? We barely know each other, and suddenly I would ask him all this stupid questions?!

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-01 03:54 ID:AFwiJNzG

'fraid to say that the only way to get to know him better is to start conversations whenever you bump into each other, and eventually ask those "stupid questions".

If it were me in M's place, I would be flattered that a girl would want to get to know me better.

6 Name: True : 2008-12-01 07:22 ID:s7rAqJDR

Well, really? I'll try. But I think he's slightly different. Because you see, he's this nerdy type of guy.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-01 20:44 ID:hHJ+J4MF

He asked your MSN? what are you complaining about? Most people start with less than that.

Once again, just go for it. Not doing something for fear of rejection is the best way to ensure nothing will happen. If you are really afraid of rejection, just do things with lower chance of rejection. Starting a casual conversation is less risky than point blank asking him to go out, etc,...

8 Name: True : 2008-12-02 08:05 ID:+Uhr+lSB

Weird as it may sound, yes, he did asked me for my MSN. Well, back then it was for a different thing. Well, you see, he's a foreign language learner, and I happened to had learned that language before and I can speak it quite well. So, that's how we actually know each other. Through my ability of speaking that language and through his desire to learn that language.

I'm afraid he'll never have that sort of feelings for me. I think that he wants to be my friend solely because I can speak that language. He would only consider me as someone like that.

Well, I previously wanted to give him some of my notes, but, I though he might think : 'I barely know this person..'

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-02 10:00 ID:AariD8pH

> I'm afraid he'll never have that sort of feelings for me. I think that he wants to be my friend solely because I can speak that language. He would only consider me as someone like that.

You are very lucky, you have a golden opportunity to spend time with him. Just suggest to do conversation cessions with you in that language. In that way he improves his skills, and you have plenty of time to get to know him better.

And by all means offer him your notes.

10 Name: True : 2008-12-02 11:52 ID:+Uhr+lSB

Yeah. I guess so. But I'm afraid I'll sound weird if I speak in front of him. Plus, I don't know his interests. I don't know much about Sport, and I don't know if he's interested in the Entertainment world.

One thing, I always bump into him at the library, usually at the same time. I think he's a bookworm, who loves to read (which I am not).

Yeah, I'll offer him my notes.

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