What's now? (5)

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-31 18:56 ID:htpIBpuE

being a bit modest is probably better, no girl is going to be happy if you say "wow, your breast are pretty" even if they are a masterpiece. but even so I don't think that is the kind of blunt you mean. just be carefull not to say everything that is on your mind. (on the other hand, don't think TOO much about what you say either)

as for bounds on flirting. personally I find not getting to physical best. make sure that there are hints of you being interested, but more subdued. looking someone in the eye just a second longer, getting a bit close, and playfully poking/ otherwise touching is what I do. (but I'm a girl...)

why don't you take her for a movie or something like that? that would be possble as 'just friends' as well, but if you always end up in her room for a few hours I thik there is some sort of mutual attraction. And you live in the same dorm right? Then suggest eating together sometime.

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