Online Friend (9)

6 Name: Milo-Man : 2008-12-12 17:53 ID:mJ+j6yKB

Hi OP,
I've been down that road too. I met an online friend and we kept in touch for 10 years. we are from different countries too. We exchanged cards sometimes, and I sent her inexpensive stuffs for her birthday. She's been telling me secrets and stuffs she kept away from her parents (like having been in relationship and stuffs). Like most teenagers, she's been ditched few times and she told me how she hated guys and couldn't trust them anymore. Plus her parents are strict and soo....well, you know how it goes when parents are strict about close relationship..

At some points during this friendship, I did give signals that I liked her but she only accepted the feeling. Recently, I wanted to make sure so I invited my best friend to join a conversation and my friend told her great stuffs about me. After that, my friend asked her if she would ever be my girlfriend, but she said 'No'. Flatly rejected, I pretended I was fine, but it was very depressing to hear that. I thought she could be the one for me since we had a lot of things in common.

So few weeks later, I wasn't into her anymore and I think she realized it since I wasn't online that often anymore. She didn't feel like telling me her stuffs anymore. And so, I just deleted and banned her. Got rid of everything she ever sent me.
It was a complete waste of time -_-;

So OP, I learned my lesson. It's not worth getting a girl to like you online. It's a complete waste of time and effort. It's not worth it. If you want a girlfriend, go meet a girl in real life. Because any girl like u and i met on the internet simply don't give a fudge about our life.

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