Casio Shock vs Korean Nerd for Korean Girl (8)

6 Name: 777 : 2009-02-20 11:01 ID:iZs//Z0B

Greetings Sir Shock, I have made some outrageous assumptions and recommendations in order to better your situation.

I am presuming that you like this girl based purely on her looks or, that you have omitted her other qualities in the other thread. If this is the case, then it is a mere infatuation, and you should not become fluttered so much as to apologize for not talking to her.

Instead of not knowing what to do, you should know what to do. How is this possible you ask? I am sure you have heard of this many times, but be confident and involve her in something which you excel at. This can be in the fields of abstract thinking such as mathematics or philosophy, and in the fields of activity, such as athletics.

On a side note, be sure to treat her with respect as a fellow citizen, but do not see her as your equal in terms of being. She must be viewed as inferior if you are to demonstrate to her your excelling talents or you may become nervous if you see her as otherwise.

It is now onto you to take or leave my advice, have fun!

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