ok, im 17 years old, live in mexico city, im studing graphic design, and im your standard otaku (loves anime, reads manga, even plays visual novels), well..... i felled in love with a classmate, named marisa,but she seems to like a guy of university.... with a beard.... bastard..... well, we are not as close to be called friends, but from time to time we talk, and im not sure what she thinks of me, she could even know i like her and ignore me anyway :( i would like to have her as gf but.... chances are near 0, as i dont usually talk to people and stay most of my time in house,while shes the opposite of me, you there think there could be a chance for her falling in love with me? or making her fall in love? any answer will be considered important, thanks for your attention
I think nothing is imposible in this world, even you're so different from her, but remember in love, the rule is : 99% effort + 1% talent. So If u really want have her as your gf, don't think it was imposible... Good Luck Ota-san~
You're fucked
well, first of all, you can't force anyone to fall in love with you, that's just granted.
now, with that being said, nothing's ever gonna happen unless you take the initiative. there are few things that come to the person that waits for things to happen, and apparently this is not one of them. Talk to her more. Find out what she's interested. Show that you're interested in her life, and be open. If you can put in the effort to talk to her and show that you're interested, it'll probably be your best, if not only chance for your dreams to come true. This is all you, buddy, this is your story and you're gonna have to live it the way you want to.
ok, ill see what i can do..... im very pessimistic.... but if miraculouslly i make some progress with her ill return, if not.... i may be under a rope.... tied to the ceiling.....or to depressed to at least talk on some time..... anyway thanks, 2,4,ill see what i can do.........
and 3..... dont you have better things to do than offend people? seeing your post makes me think more pessimistic than before.....
>>5 hey, hey, you didn't even make a move and you're already talking about hanging yourself? You need to stabilize yourself a bit, if you have any hopes of pleasing any normal girl. Would you like to go out with someone who thinks about suicide as soon as there is a problem in the relationship?
Keep your angst for when truly bad things happen. And she not being attracted to you doesn't qualify.
Get to talk to her, and tell us how it went.
>>6 yeah thats right..... i have to think more optimisic and smile more, thats what people allways say to me, but someway, i cant, i have tried it, but feel emptier and soon return to how i usually am, i cant smile for more than 4-5 secs, and usually think about the worse possibility in anything....i have gone to the psycologist for 3-4 classes and they say me im ok, i just need to be more optimistic.... im not good at talking with people,no, im not good finding topics to talk with people, and some times people look at me with eyes saying "what of an idiot/strange/freak guy"(ok, i may be to paranoic in last part)but seriously.... i need to change that way of being before aproching more to her,any idea how?
Oh wow, you're like the total opposite of me arentcha? Like everybody said, you can't go getting all depressed about something that didn't happen yet!
I do think we have one problem in common though, our lack of social skills. You can't do everything at once, trust me its overwhelming. Do things one step at a time. In the circle of friends I created this year I'm already known as the oddball clumsy nice guy. I still get those looks of "what of an idiot/strange/freak guy" sometimes, but I don't let it bother me (in fact its sometimes fun). BUT THAT MAKES ME UNIQUE right?
Change comes from within you. If you really want to change yourself, you've got to willingly push yourself out of your comfort zone. "Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality." Good luck Ota-kun, from Otakun ^_^
>>7 like >>8 says. Hone your social skills with friends. Have male and female friends, and you'll realize that there's no need to stress so much.
There's no magic about this. In order to get a girlfriend, you need to perfect your social skills. To do so, you MUST spend time with other people, and get comfortable doing that.
The key to manage that is to meet people who share your centers of interest, so that you are inherently motivated to spend time with them...
how about I give you some homework... Walk into a public place or and event and talk to at least 5 people! Just some random hellos to small talk!
Get out there Ota-kun
>>10 mh,thanks but i dont think thats the problem, i just cant iniciate a conversation, i can say hi, how are you, etc in a calm way, but then i dont know what to say and get isolated out of the talk.....i need a way to learn what to say to people, because i usually get ignored by the people who know me, even my fathers dont listen to me when im talking T_T, the only person who knows my existance is a friend like me in school, and another friend i knew a while ago which im visiting Aftertomorrow....
getting back to topic, im on holidays, and asked her what was she gonna do on vacation.... she said she was going to the beach, OTL
(total fail),i wanted to go to the beach with her but.... my family is gonna stay in the house because my mother got operated... i think things wont advance with her atleast for now...