The Girl In The Sky. (22)

9 Name: The_Boy_In_The_Sky : 2009-05-05 18:09 ID:FQCSu0YC

Her birthday is coming up. I've called her once, and left her a voice message. I asked if she would be free from now up until her birthday, and to let me know so I could do something nice for her. Unfortunately, it's already been two weeks, and she hasn't contacted me back.

I'm anxious, and I don't know what to do. Her birthday is on the 11th of this month, but I'm certain she has something planned at least for the weekend before it. Since she's a very family-oriented person, she'll most likely spend time with her two sisters.

But I want to do something with her separately... How do I get something going? If I can't even see her, what's my next best course of action? =/

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