Can women feel loneliness to the same extent men can? (61)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-02 22:17 ID:jpn5bKwn

Do you think women can feel what amounts to 'ronery'?

I was considering this the other day.

And I thought of 2 of the roneriest books I know, Notes from the Undeground and White Nights, both by the same author: Dostoevsky and to be honest I couldn't imagine a woman penning anything like that simply because if a woman wants a boyfriend she'll just get one quite easily within a few days (maximum time a month maybe). Women basically don't feel loneliness, what they feel is temporary solitude, but never total 'alone-ness' in the same way a man can. I think the only way a woman could possibly feel this is if she was hideously fat and ugly, in which case she can appeal to fetishists. For a man being antisocial is enough, and you CANNOT claim antisocial women have the same experiences because it appeals to the inner 'hero' in men who want to save the damsel in distress when they see a quiet shy girl.

Is being a woman easy mode as far as love and romance goes?

And to those who say 'having sex doesn't mean you are any less lonely'.... lol, why indulge in such transient, ultimately self-destructive behaviour with lots of different guys then?

I personally think the quiet, shy girl who is always alone is something of an archetype that has no basis in fact, usually she has boyfriends and sex.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-02 22:44 ID:640qLVuP

>if a woman wants a boyfriend she'll just get one quite easily within a few days (maximum time a month maybe).

Tell that to those who go single against their will for years or decades. The basic truth is that women are the majority of the population, and because they live longer, the bias only gets worse with time. But even before that, there are plenty of women in their twenties and thirties who don't manage to find a match, often not even having sex. You may not understand why, but those are the facts. Many women are indeed lonely.

And you know, for most of them having sex won't satisfy the needs they have. Actually, it may only expose what they are yearning for, and not finding. Women are not that different from men, and do suffer from loneliness.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-03 00:09 ID:jpn5bKwn

>And you know, for most of them having sex won't satisfy the needs they have.

Yet they still do it time and time again and still call people like me 'bitter virgins'. If they keep on doing it are they just stupid as a matter of course or something? I have no sympathy for whores like that.

Lets face it, you can even be an agoraphobic woman and there will be a man in shining armor to help you out of your shell.

I have yet to ever see an adequate rebuttal to this. I will hold to this position unti I am bested. Arguments about how women may suck dicks under tables at nightclubs and still be ronery don't fucking count, because slutty women have just decided lots and lots of meaningless sex is more important than a relationship. They could easily get into a relationship if they wanted to.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-03 01:30 ID:640qLVuP

>I have no sympathy for whores like that.

Well, I think I see where the "bitter virgin" comes from ^_^

You seem to confuse something men are usually good at understanding: Sex is different from love. You can have sex and get no love at all. Besides, sex can actually be quite a degrading experience, which is why people don't go around having sex indiscriminately. And to have sex does not mean you are enjoying it, the same way that a dish is not always tasty, and can be downright awful, and yet you must eat to stay alive.

Anyways, I think your image of women is so skewed and fantastical, that it's going to be hard to discuss this. But think of the women you have actually good knowledge of (your mother, sister, whatever). Are they really the sex crazed succubi you claim women to be?

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-03 01:43 ID:jpn5bKwn

>Well, I think I see where the "bitter virgin" comes from ^_^

Oh right, women who sleep around are awesome, rite? Lets all go and read Cosmo together!

>You can have sex and get no love at all.

Then why indulge in this cycle of transient momentary pleasure if you feel it so 'degrading' and you are really lonely?

>and yet you must eat to stay alive.

So basically women cannot survive without sex, they actually NEED to fuck something otherwise they die of not fucking? Are women really this inured on intercourse?

>Are they really the sex crazed succubi you claim women to be?

I don't have a sister, but my mother comes from a different generation and a different type of world, you know, where not every transgression was waved away with a 'oh, she'll just learn from her mistakes' bullshit logic or relativistic morality crap.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-03 02:35 ID:7PcAz2pY

>Well, I think I see where the "bitter virgin" comes from

You do realise that you just proved his point by using that to insult him?

>sex can actually be quite a degrading experience

So what you're saying is that you enjoy being degraded?

>you must eat to stay alive

You enjoy being degraded so much that you can't function properly without it? What exactly are you saying here?

>mother, sister, whatever

My mother is from a different generation, much like >>5 just said. The oldest sister in my family, however, does pretty much spend all of her time with her slutty friends in bars and clubs and I have lost count of the amount of "boyfriends" she has had over the past year. I still remember when she was a "shy" girl too. The other sister is only 11 years old right now, but as sad as it is, I expect that she too will be socialised into the same sort of lifestyle as the other. Especially since she looks up to her. It is depressing really.

7 Name: sage : 2009-05-03 04:59 ID:Heaven

OP is an obvious troll. I admire the posters thus far for not raging. Still, I have a few scraps I can feed it.

But men who act like "sluts" are totally exempt from being branded as so and the thought of men sleeping around isn't "depressing"? You and the OP place far, far too much weight on "purity" in women. If a woman sleeps around with no digression, that doesn't make her any less of a person nor should it detract from her worth. To place purity on a pedestal as you seem to is useless.

Further more, there is very rarely some "shining night" to "rescue" shy (and even agoraphobic? I don't think you grasp the totality of that condition) women and "bring them out of their shells." Women can be and often are lonely. Take sex out of the equation. There are plenty of women out there, many virgins, who have the same issues that lonesome men do and cannot get into worthwhile meaningful relationships. And again, women that have lots of nondiscriminatory sex are worth no less than those who don't and should not be treated differently, especially when their male counterparts are not.

Humans are capable of being lonely. Gender is not a factor.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-03 05:55 ID:jpn5bKwn

>But men who act like "sluts" are totally exempt from being branded as so and the thought of men sleeping around isn't "depressing"?

There are far more expectations and thus double standards towards men, but we don't complain as much because it isn't in our nature to complain. For example, male virginity is far more looked down upon than female virginity, men who behave in a feminine manner get branded sissies whereas women who behave in a female manner are just 'tomboys', men are expected to be stoic and strong and emotionless, not so for women, I could go on but I won't.

>Gender is not a factor.

Pretending it isn't is stupid. It quite clearly is.

9 Name: sage : 2009-05-03 06:36 ID:Heaven


Saying that gender factors into one's ability to be lonely is like saying that gender factors into one's ability be be hungry.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-03 09:05 ID:Heaven

Anyone, man or woman, can fish in some poor sod for a shag or two but to actually find somebody who gives you something more than just a quick lay... That's a whole different ballgame, man.

Also what the hell is with this whole "lol women suck dicks 24/7, thus they can never be ronery 'cuz they have a dick with them all the time!!" reasoning? That's not even an argument!

Oh well, OP. You keep on truckin'.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-03 13:09 ID:Heaven


>I could go on but I won't.

I guess we can thank you for that at least.

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