Can women feel loneliness to the same extent men can? (61)

44 Name: loser : 2009-05-16 14:58 ID:g4zccoD6


Well, I did say "so long as she is fertile". This is something I can't base on my own experiences, but I have a very hard time believing that men in their 40s wouldn't still be attracted to women of their own age.

If you go much over 40, then yes, that might not be true anymore. Another thing is that on average, men die much younger than women (at least in my country), but I really can't think of it as any consolation that I might have some chances with women when I'm in my 60s, ie. when I'm going to die in 5-15 years anyway. 40 years from now on, I'll probably have killed myself if nothing changes, anyway.

And yes, it might well be that many women are terrified of admitting they never had sex. But very few women are in such a situation. I would be perfectly happy and ready to lose my virginity to very nearly any woman I see in the train every day when going to the university, but of course there's no chance of it happening. If I was a woman, it would be another thing entirely.

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