Can women feel loneliness to the same extent men can? (61)

7 Name: sage : 2009-05-03 04:59 ID:Heaven

OP is an obvious troll. I admire the posters thus far for not raging. Still, I have a few scraps I can feed it.

But men who act like "sluts" are totally exempt from being branded as so and the thought of men sleeping around isn't "depressing"? You and the OP place far, far too much weight on "purity" in women. If a woman sleeps around with no digression, that doesn't make her any less of a person nor should it detract from her worth. To place purity on a pedestal as you seem to is useless.

Further more, there is very rarely some "shining night" to "rescue" shy (and even agoraphobic? I don't think you grasp the totality of that condition) women and "bring them out of their shells." Women can be and often are lonely. Take sex out of the equation. There are plenty of women out there, many virgins, who have the same issues that lonesome men do and cannot get into worthwhile meaningful relationships. And again, women that have lots of nondiscriminatory sex are worth no less than those who don't and should not be treated differently, especially when their male counterparts are not.

Humans are capable of being lonely. Gender is not a factor.

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