how do i make it end? (43)

25 Name: the used guy : 2009-05-19 21:52 ID:qXuO2AW5

Hey everyone. It hasn't been a full week yet, but things have already ended with this new girl and I. Let me start from the beginning about her.

I met her about four weeks ago online on one of those stupid singles sites, I was the one to make the first move. A week after we met in person and everything was going pretty well. After the first date it seemed like things would actually work for once, especially since there was no interference from the ex so far.

We talked for a while and it sounded like she was interested in me as I was interested in her, but I had a small feeling that something wasn't totally right. I ignored that gut feeling though since I felt it was probably due to so many things going wrong before my gut thought it was going to happen again on a whim. We went on the second date the third week of knowing each other, which was also when I left my last message. At the end of that date though, my gut was sending me that message again that things would go wrong.

Now, I don't like to brag alot if I ever get the chance to, but needless to say my gut was pretty spot on. She invited me to her house because she said she had some things she wanted to make clear to me before we went on any dates. First, it turns out that she was saying her nickname was her real name. Second was that she lied and said she was one year older than she actually is, which she is still 19 and my age so no problems. Third, and the kicker, was that she already has 2 kids, one being 8 months old and one being 3 years old. That made things a little unsettling, but nevertheless I decided to at least stick around for the tea session. We talked about our lives a little more and I told her that I wouldn't mind going on another date later despite everything.

When I was on my way out the door, I had asked where the kids were, and she told me they were out with her cousin. No problem I figured, as long as she wouldn't try to pull me into being a surrogate father or something a few other girl's I've known tried. Just about as I was going to the door, the doorbell rang. She rushed to the door in front of me to see if it was her cousin with the kids. It was, but it was also my ex.

One of the more interesting aspects of the night came about 15 minutes afterwards, when after the awkwardness subsided. Basicly, the date put her kids to bed but told me to stay in the house and she'd try to settle this whole mess once and for all. I looked at the situation and thought that maybe this would be the time that if I stay things would be settled for good. All the ex had to say was something to the affect of "this is the guy who told your aunt about my relationships" to get me yelled out of the house.

=+-Next Date Pending-+=

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