Tired of being alone (15)

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-06-22 22:06 ID:VlV/ElOF

There are plenty of ways to find women:

  • friends of your friends: you have female friends, it seems (or at least your friends have girlfriends, who should have friends). Get to know your female friend's friends, there's always bachelors among them
  • parties: get invited to parties to which your friends take part. It's a great chance to meet new people
  • group activities: take part in group activities which interest you, and where you'll meet women. Dancing is a great one, as it's always packed with women and much fewer men, but there are other options like hiking, theater, etc.
  • if you are still a student, get to know the women in your class, and do things with them, like going to the movies, having a drink. That's also a great way to meet more people, as they will have friends, etc. If you are working, just do the same with your work mates.
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