Another story. (18)

1 Name: Mutt!/Q.UMv9ZIQ : 2009-08-13 10:18 ID:z7/u4EwD

I realize that this is a long read, but I have a lot to get off of my chest and maybe this story will encourage other basement dwellers.
I finished high school a couple of months ago and started college classes a couple of weeks ago.
After graduation I pretty much cut off most ties to my old friends. I still keep in touch with a few because they’re the few who ever really meant anything to me. It’s made me kind of lonely, but at the same time I realize that most of them have nothing with me.
I started college and discovered that all the friends of friends, the drugged-out fuckups I know are in the same school as me. Cool, I have people I can go out and have a good time with, but at the same time I know that spending too much time with them is taxing to me (Pretty introverted and socializing tires me) and if I want to graduate I can’t spend too much time around them.
In contrast, the rest of my class seemed to be stereotypical Asians, whipped into submission by their parents… People I wouldn’t fit in with.
Naturally, I usually rushed out of class at the end of the lecture period because I had little desire to socialize.

2 Name: Mutt!/Q.UMv9ZIQ : 2009-08-13 10:19 ID:z7/u4EwD

The next day, a girl in my class told me to eat lunch with her and her friends. She was cute, but I thought that she was too good of a kid for me to really have any fun with her. I thought little of it and sat with them for a bit before fucking off by myself to go have a smoke. Two guys went with me and she tagged along too.
I rolled my own that day, she asked to see them and asked in her alluring Luna Lovegood-esque British accent if I ‘rolled.’
I didn’t think too much about that, said ‘yeah,’ and took another drag.
‘So you ROLL?’
Dumbfounded for a second, I remained silent and then asked her if she wanted to try a joint. She just said ‘you rock’ and giggled for a little bit.
After class, she took me and two other guys to a restaurant around the school to have a few beers.

3 Name: Mutt!/Q.UMv9ZIQ : 2009-08-13 10:19 ID:z7/u4EwD

One of the guys was like… three years younger than her and I still don’t understand how he finished high school at 16. The other had slightly camp tendencies and was obviously friendzoned by her. After a few drinks they’re both out of it.
Sitting across from each other, we cracked a few jokes and had light conversation.
When we left, she called her friend so she could ask me for my MSN address.
I was intrigued.
I saw her online a day or two later but didn’t feel like talking with her. I had a friend over and we’d just had a rather large spliff. Talking with her could only have ended up awkwardly.

4 Name: Mutt!/Q.UMv9ZIQ : 2009-08-13 10:20 ID:z7/u4EwD

A few days later, we had a test. To blow off some steam, we all went downstairs and killed a pack of cigarettes (in the last week without class I haven’t had a single smoke). The other two guys kinda got a clue and left to play ping pong, leaving us alone to converse for more than an hour.
We were sitting side by side, all the while, she kept moving closer and closer to me, touching me, blushing. I was more preoccupied with confusion, wondering how the hell I’d gotten to this point so quickly. But I enjoyed it.
I drove her home, using a few tricks I’d learned from racing cars when I was younger to try to test her nerves. I’ve managed to make most people fear for their lives in the passenger seat of my car. She only commented on how she wanted to try handbrake turns. I was hooked.
I saw her on MSN the next night, signing on at nearly midnight. Most of her friends were offline, it was only me and her.

5 Name: Mutt!/Q.UMv9ZIQ : 2009-08-13 10:21 ID:z7/u4EwD

We talked about everything that could come to either of our minds for hours. I finally had to give up at 4 and go to bed, but I now know a girl who I can talk with about almost anything, and she trusts me enough to open up to me.
She’s as close as a girl can get to being perfect. Spontaneous, stunningly attractive, and an intellectual rival to me.
I only fear fucking it up before we can go further than this.
This is usually the point where things go sour, but I think that this is different. Does anyone here have any advice for where to go from here?

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-13 13:38 ID:t0535GPT

Seems to me that you are doing fine, and that you should just go with the flow. What's the point of worrying about problems, even before they appear.

Anyways, problems will inevitably appear, it's part of the maturation process of a relationship. And you'll have to deal with them then and only then. Until that time, enjoy your time, and make some good memories, experiences and discoveries.

Just don't pathetically crash against a tree, or something.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-13 14:47 ID:A/YUN6/f

Yeah, I think you're doing good too. If things happen naturally, you should let them and not start planning and making extrapolations. Just go with the flow, it'll be fine.

8 Name: Mutt!TJ9qoWuqvA : 2009-08-21 12:52 ID:sId442Ws

There's been more development.
I was chatting with her, and said a few unintentionally insensitive things. She seemed pissed.
In order to try to explain myself, I told her to google the 'INTJ' personality type. I said that it explained a lot of things about me and how sometimes I'm weird and callous without intending to be that way.
She immediately identified with it as well, and taking the test revealed that she matched that profile.
We've kinda ditched the other two guys after she explained that she wasn't really comfortable around them; I didn't really click with them either.
I guess I have to thank the psychologists who formulated the MBTI profiling system. I now am really close with a girl who shares the same social retardation, thinks like me, and sees the world like I do.
Things will develop between us. I'll make sure of this, I'll try my best to keep this rare gem of a girl from slipping away. I don't think I'll have many chances at finding someone like this for a long time.
I'll post an update if when something happens, this thread still exists.

Good vibes, everyone.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-21 17:17 ID:A/YUN6/f

Godspeed, Mutt.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-21 19:04 ID:C9tCUSxl

Keep us posted, it will be interessing to see how this develops ^_^

11 Name: Mutt!AB5fTSvpY6 : 2009-08-22 22:43 ID:kmtxElZ1

I'm back.
We were chatting in the middle of the night yet again.
I'd just gotten home at 1 AM, I still wonder if she was online hoping to talk.
Anyways, as we shifted through random topics (she kept sending me random news links) we got to talking about each other.
Things kinda escalated from friendly banter to us talking about past relationships.
She's either extremely modest or she doesn't see herself for who she is. I called her 'stunning' and she had to stop talking for a few minutes before thinking of how to respond to that.
Well anyways, after we were done talking about past relationships and how we used to deal with people (not to mention a large dose of wooing her), I would have felt wrong putting it out in the open.
I did.

We'll meet again on Monday to talk about us face to face.
Wish me luck!

12 Name: Mutt!AB5fTSvpY6 : 2009-08-27 16:44 ID:1PoVyMfd

This will be my last entry before I gtfo.
Monday, we went out for lunch. One of the guys in my math class tagged along (dick) so it was pretty awkward. My sarcasm pissed her off and when we left the restaurant. she just walked away without saying a word. I apologized later on an SMS and my phone's battery died. She thought I went off to some nightclub to pick up a random slut. She had a guy call me (I was drunk) at 1 to check up on me. It was weird but we worked it out.
On Wednesday, we had out final exam. She stayed up studying until the morning and slept through the exam.
I called her as soon as I was done, she asked me to take her somewhere so I picked her up and started driving to the mall that the kids from my school go to.
Halfway there, she told me that she didn't feel like being around a lot of people and asked if she could just go hang out at my house. What ensued was possibly the best possible first date.
Of course, I obliged. It was pretty far out of the way both from the mall and from her dorm, so it took a pretty long drive to get there. For the record, John Legend is a fucking godsend.
We got to my place, got into bed and started watching a stoner movie and we just let things kinda flow from there.
Later at night, we went out to have dinner, hands all over each other. I at first intended to take her home afterwards, but she didn't seem to like that plan. There was a late-night movie showing, but that didn't sound right either.
Then rain started to piss down.
There was no way that we were going to go over to the next town to her dorm and the bars would have been too crowded because of the weather.
Instead, we went back to my place and watched yet another movie and she had her first time smoking weed. I'll have to admit, she's fucking hardcore.
We went through three or four joints and upwards of 8 bowls. I was blitzed after the first joint, but she kept wanting more. She managed to learn to hit the bong by herself too. I was truly amazed at her tolerance, but I think that's just her (the first time she drank, she downed an entire bottle of Johnny Walker).

13 Name: Mutt!AB5fTSvpY6 : 2009-08-27 17:05 ID:1PoVyMfd

We fell asleep in each other's arms.
We woke up at dawn, had a small snack, and smoked more weed and just kinda spaced out with each other for hours.
We awoke in the afternoon, went downtown and had some lunch, and sat in traffic for two hours the way back to my place.
I had to make my way to my parents' house though, so she had to take the train and a cab home.
I swear though, word gets around in this town fast.
My ex's friends saw us walking in one of the malls and stopped to chat with us, then she called to joke around. My best friend knew something was up because he called me the night before and I was with her and the evening afterwards I was still with her.He and his girlfriend then called me for an hour and grilled me about her.
I now believe that everyone I fucking know will know about this by tomorrow morning XD. It's good though. Something is finally working in my life...

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-27 18:08 ID:A/YUN6/f

Damn, she sounds like an awesome gal. Good catch there, make her happy and be happy with her.

Just curious though when you say "we just let things kinda flow from there" how far things actually flowed... :P

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-27 18:53 ID:t0535GPT


Great to see how well things went for both of you! Thanks for giving us a follow up and best of luck for the development of your relationship.

As you see, no need to always worry about what comes next.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-29 04:53 ID:ZTTOEkdm

sounds to me like it is not her first time smoking weed and she's using you for free drugs. good luck on the happiness of your new relationships.

17 Name: Mutt!AB5fTSvpY6 : 2009-08-29 16:10 ID:AADwiBTh

Valid argument, sir.
Please excuse me while I call her to tell her to fuck herself with the remnants of a shattered bong because you believe that she's using me for free grass.

I'm glad you spared your valuable time to give me, a completely unworthy stranger, your sage wisdom. Please continue to bestow your reason to this sick, dilapidated world. Such divine knowledge will surely immortalize you, and even when humanity has run its course and the names of Buddha, Christ, and Mohammed have been long forgotten your significance to human thinking will still stand unaffected by the natural forces of the decadence of humanity.

18 Name: Abraham Lincoln : 2009-08-29 17:42 ID:Heaven

Far from beyond the grave, I shalt support this post.

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