i can't help playing mind games (18)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-11-24 13:09 ID:X9TxFc9A

in my last relationship i did the standard stuff that everyone reccomends...be open with the other person, not bottling stuff up, having direct, clear communication and all that jazz.

turned out that she ended up taking me for granted,and when i told her about how i felt it always ended up in a quarrel. i was always there for her, maybe too easily there, and even she said it got boring.

i'm with someone else now, and the past experience has driven me to start playing mind games with my new gf. sometimes i don't reply to her texts on purpose or take very long...same thing for IM. stuff like that...

i hate doing this shit but i can't deny it's put me in a better position than i was in my previous r/s.

i know i'm a bastard but i can't help it.

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