i can't help playing mind games (18)

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-11-29 20:46 ID:1ramEjE8


You neglected the option of where he ends up alone or in a series of failed relationships. That's what happens when a man is too nice. A woman can't respect a man that kisses her ass.

> But if he isn't who he really is he

I think that was the problem. OP followed 'expert' advice and all he ended up doing was boring a woman. So the solution is to do what works, not what anyone else suggests.

> People reaaally should be honest because there's really not much of a point in going around pretending.

Now that's just wrong. It sounds nice, but honesty just gets us all in trouble. No woman on earth wants honesty. If you're female and you have to argue with that, than you've stumbled on the core issue: Women don't know what they want.

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