In love and irritated. (31)

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-12-08 07:22 ID:hAIJpE4t

It’s 2 and 5 again. I can't help but feel like what you are saying is right or at least partially right. But we as people are not just emotional creatures that run off feelings we have reason and even emotions have reasons behind them.

I think it’s fine if you just think of her as an important person. Be her friend maybe she will like you back eventually who knows. Be glad she still wants to talk to you. She may not love you or want to date you but she still values you as a friend and as a person. Like you said love takes many forms and love can change. You can love her as a friend. I don’t think it would be right to risk your friendship again. Why do you want to drive her away so bad? I still can’t figure out why you told her even when you know she was going to say no the first time. You said it’s so you can move on but that doesn’t make sense. There are plenty of girls I liked and never said anything to and got over them just fine. I was even really good friends with them through the whole thing. There might be another issue going on here. If she does start to like you you’ll know and then you can tell her your feelings all you want but until then just be her friend. It’s not about being a burden on them think how you would feel in her situation. Just be glad you can still be friends. You may read this and think but love isn’t like this or but I can’t help it or something similar but it really is this simple…. You can’t always feel or see what is right with so many coincidences and smaller problems that people encounter day to day it’s hard to see the whole picture and trying to express something like that into words won’t work. Whatever is trying to be said will be lost in the confusion. Everything at some point won’t feel right you can feel doubt at some point for every idea for any object. There are so many things that can’t be put into words that don’t fit in anywhere. There is nothing stopping you from feeling them either but what I am trying to say is don’t be so hasty with the feelings you get especially if don’t know what is going to happen.

I don’t think I have a right to try and convince you of anything your views aren’t entirely wrong they are very idealistic and maybe even impractical but I agree with them or at least I want to agree with them. Sorry about the long post

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