Today I just spoke to the girl I have been obsessed over for four years (9)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-03-08 10:45 ID:7Gk5kNv+

Yeah, I would have posted this in my 'I just want a girl to cuddle' as a continuation of that series, but its been locked.

Anyway, it was a really serendipitous meeting. If you read my old thread you might remember she did medical science. Well she was sitting at a table in front of the library advertising for the medical science society. When I walked near her, I froze for a moment. I did a double take and then suspiciously walked in a circle around the table.

Was it her? Yes, it was! She looked a little different from when I remembered her four years ago, but yes, it was certainly her. She had a few acne scars dotted on her face which she must have gotten during the four years, and she was a tad bit short, but her body was still the kind I desire in girls. At the risk of sounding freaky (heh, like I could sound like even more of a freak after what Ive said on these forums), she has the kind of slender body with modest, small breasts which I think are good equilibrium with the rest of her body (no, im not a huge cow sized tits and ass liking person, bigger is not better.). Oh, and she still had long hair. Great!

Thoughts of nervousness and stuff weren't going through my head at the time, like they usually do, possibly because lately Ive been trying to make study friends at uni. Actually, the huge pressure to seduce her and try to look cool in front of her didn't sit with me either, and if it did I would probably trip myself up.

I guess I was just happy to see her. I just walked right up to her and started talking to her. Asked her if she was the girl I knew from tutoring four years ago. She was. Asked her if she remembered me. She did, but not my name. We didn't exchange many sentances. She suggested maybe I could buy a MedSoc cruise ticket, to which I replied I wasn't in medical science. She said I could still buy one if I wanted to, but then seemed a little flustured because she just realised it would be odd for someone not in medical science to buy that ticket. Her voice was still that lovely, soft, kind sounding voice. She still seemed like that pretty shy girl that I once saw at my tutoring place four years ago.

Ultimately, there were differences in how I remembered her and how she actually is these days. She didn't seem as super-shy as she was back then, and also her skin wasn't too great. I also expected her to have grown taller. But am I disappointed? Hell no. Okay, maybe I expected her to be the super pure beautiful girl that I fantisised about in my dreams, but you guys told me not to put too much emotional investment in that illusion lest I crash and burn when it gets shattered. She seems to be a good approximation to that uber angel dream girl at any rate. And because of her few flaws, she seems a lot more achievable, a lot more human. In the end, I'd rather have a real girl than a dream one.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-03-09 18:47 ID:aTCqmDaj

i wasn't here four years ago
link to the other thread?

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-03-11 05:13 ID:p9xn8jCj

hurrah! It's nice to have reality over dreams man. I'm glad someone is having success. Go get her, and do share the story with us!

4 Name: OP : 2011-03-13 11:54 ID:7Gk5kNv+

Here is the original thread post:

I have liked a girl for a few years and she strikes me as the person I would like to spend the rest of my life with. I don't think its teenage lust, infatuation, or that I am in love with the concept of being in love. She simply strikes me as the most perfect, pure, angelic girl I have ever known and she encapsulates every feature, both personality wise and physically, that I value and desire. I have not even talked to her before, and only saw her a number of times, but her image is still extremely vivid in my mind. She is truly the most perfect girl to me.

I've written page after page of notes with wild plans, such as every detail of her life I've scronged from memory and the internet, machinations to meet her in real life, estimations of the type of man she would like, plans to become that man, and even a plan to create a fake log-in screen to steal one of her friend's password to see her Facebook profile.

Coming to this new university presents a new opportunity for me because she goes to it too. But random bump-ins will be few and far in-between. I'm not sure how to even approach her without instantly creating a horrible first-impression and destroying my chances. When I'm in a group of people, my presence is such that I stick out like a disgusting sore thumb in ways which I do not notice or comprehend.

Once, just once, for the first time in several years, I thought I saw her. My legs froze and my entrails turned to ice. I literally felt a groggy feeling rising up my chest wanting to burst out from my mouth. All I could do was stare as she quickly glanced at me, turned away then walked around the corner of the building. When I recovered, I quickly tried to follow her, but she had already disappeared from sight.

5 Name: op : 2011-03-26 06:37 ID:7Gk5kNv+


6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-03-29 18:51 ID:7y/ltyuR

so you doing anything about it op?

7 Name: OP : 2011-04-04 09:01 ID:OrMFKJH/

Yeah, ive been talking to anonymous asian girls on the internet about tips on how to win the heart of the asian girl who I like.

Making plans to talk to her and ask her for some lunch

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-04-05 14:30 ID:Sd14cKpO

maybey you should approach her like a regular person?

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-04-08 21:09 ID:CDbteLHV

The first thing to do is to just talk to her again. Try to steer the conversation to something like food. You could say something like "Oh have you ever been to so and so, they have good food" blah blah blah, and then say "we should go there some time!" Really you have to be yourself. But I think you can do it. Don't try too hard to plan 100% what you'll say because if you mess up then you'll be lost.

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