[Advice] Approaching Someone Quiet [Howto] (25)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-10-20 14:20 ID:Dzo+VyHH

So, I recently started professional school. There is a girl in my class that I am interested in getting to know better, but being unpracticed at these things, I am stumped as to how to initiate conversations naturally, given that we sit on opposite sides of a large lecture hall, don't park in the same lot, etc. We are facebook friends, and her interests seem to match very well with my own. However, she is pretty quiet from what I can tell. And, well, I'm a significant bit older than her (30 vs 21 or 22). So I suppose my question is: given that arranging a coincidental "oh, hey, _________, how's it going? What did you think about that last test?" seems unlikely, is it really alright to be (somewhat) blunt with someone who doesn't seem that experienced? Don't want to come off as a creepy old man ('___' )

(In case you didn't notice I am not experienced either.)

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