*sigh* (11)

6 Name: Grandiousfool : 2012-07-01 15:30 ID:hLvwjIAo

I don't know if I would go so far as to say I have a negative attitude towards myself; though I can see how I'd come across that way.

As I said before, I'm rather tall (6'8"), somewhat handsome (according to my friends), and do tend to draw people to me (often whether I want to or not).

Part of my problem stems from not knowing how to talk to girls in a sense outside that of friendship, and haven't the foggiest idea how to talk to a girl outside of that capacity. Why the particular situation I'm in with my friend right now is so frustrating, is that not only is this the second time I've wound up in the situation of falling for a friend of mine; but these two times I've fallen for a friend of mine are actually the only two times I've actually fallen for someone.

Although it's difficult for me I do go out of my way to put myself in social situations where I might meet like minded people; but that's about all I know how to do.

Again, I'm not sure if I'd say I have a negative attitude towards myself; but I would say that I'm not an optimist, I just play one on TV. I tend to keep up a positive, friendly front; but to say that I lack confidence is completely fair. In love or not I've been hoping and trying to find someone for nearly half my life now, and when I do find someone, it's a friend who I can't bear to lose, and by pursuing her, I would lose her. It's not exactly an encouraging situation.

Anyways, that bloomed out further than I had expected it to, sorry.

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