Momotato only watches TV these days, been many months since a new chapter of Yotsubato!
Omanga hasn't been releasing anything for months, personal reasons.
Jinmen has dropped Genshiken because of Del Rey and doesn't really have anything else.
MangaInc hasn't released any NHK as of late but turned into some kind of gay webcomic site.
Anyone know of some other interesting scanlation site out there (beside IITran)?
Who were the guys scanlating Milk Closet? I think they're still active.
Yes, Kotonoha is still pumping out excellent stuff.
Akatsuki-Manga also releases several series that I should be ashamed for enjoying so much.
Orange Tangerine are putting out Death Note, which is a good read no matter how stupid it really is.
Afaik, ADTRW are still doing some stuff, including Evangelion - Iron Maiden 2nd.
Yeah, uh, we might have heard of that. Yes.
Some of my votes:
IITran: Shirley and Emma. Active group.
Omanga: Blame!, Dorohedoro, Freesia. Inactive (where's Zyph?)
Akatsuki-manga: Moon Phase (v2 out within a couple days), Black Cat, Pretty Face, Ore Feti. Active.
Manga-Sketchbook: a lot, although I most like Shamo and Agharta ATM. Insanely productive at times, but you have to be in channel (they largely ignore their webpage).
Manga-Project: Alichino, Eden, Yokohama Kaidishi Kikou, Touch. Very active.
Cabbit: Angel Dust. Half-active, but their choices in series generally suck (good editing though).
SnoopyCool: Houshin Engi, Air Gear, SaiKano (ye olde DT & MooMoo). Very active.
Ephemeral Dreams: Worldend Fairytale (wonderful art). Sometimes active.
I'm sure I've missed plenty. I'm not at home right now.
To be honest, the community is more active than ever (,, but the quality has been dropping quite a bit in the past year or two due to the proliferation of many inexperienced smaller groups.
We need a /manga/ board.
I'll put one up, if you fellas think you are going to use it.
I would. But I'm probably a bad example.
Don't we already have the translation discussion board?
I don't think there's enough activity to justify that, yet. If that time ever comes, it should be easy enough to move all the hmtl files with one swift IF SQUEEKS DOESN'T FUCK IT UP!
Do people mind the posting of manga scans to /a/? 'Course not.
We should be more like momotato. He is our idol. Watching TV and being lazy is good.
> MangaInc hasn't released any NHK as of late but turned into some kind of gay webcomic site.
Hopefully someone else will do the series then eventually. It's a really good one.
Yes, this is why the bad translation is so grating. SHOUNEN ACE!
check out our scanlation site-- we mostly do stuff we like-- yonkoma, maruo and ito, but more random shit is on the way!
check out our archives.
damn, i was actually going to post your site here but you beat me to it
so, seconded, the world really needs more maruo
(ps. some guy on 4chans /t/, 'caterpillar', is translating some maruo stuff, laughing vampire and inugami expert to be exact so three cheers)
pps. yoshida sensha is made of awesome
> some guy on 4chans /t/, 'caterpillar'
He can be found mostly posting on
People there translate stuff together with the Notes script by WAHa