Untranslated manga (95)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-11-09 14:55 ID:FE9pYNiw [Del]

Here's a chance to complain about all the awesome manga that nobody's translating! I'll go first, because I LOVE complaining!

* Cloth Road. Story by Kurata Hideyuki of Read or Die fame, and art by Okama (http://okama.nicomi.com/). Runs in Ultra Jump.
* Propeller Heaven by Tomizawa Hitoshi, who did Alien 9 and Milk Closet. I love both of those, and I really want to read this one. Kotonoha has given some indication that he may do it. Also from Ultra Jump, I believe.
* Discommunication, by Riichi Ueshiba. His later manga, Yume Tsukai, has been at least partially translated, but his previous long-running (some 17 volumes in all) manga Discommunication remains untranslated. Ran in Afternoon, info here: http://www.kodanclub.com/cgi-local/comic.cgi?id=009-00096-01-013

53 Name: 50 2006-02-17 02:20 ID:Heaven

>>52 Hello!
Thank you for your writing.
So,We(I and japanese young guys in "2ch")will make magazines or comics that it is minor DOZIN including ERO.
this will be very minor writer's DOZIN manga.
But you know,Some minor manga are good,high quolity,and funny.
well,,,,Do you want to read it?
We will make it in translated and sell it unexpensive.

Sorry my bad english.

54 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2006-02-17 03:36 ID:Heaven

○ doujin


You don't need to mind it.
There are already tons of scanlated (translated) doujinshi on the net.

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