-Death Note- (165)

124 Name: Moi : 2007-05-02 10:15 ID:Xh1ZHG8K

Ending of the manga was quite stupid. Light didn't deserve to die like that... He was always the "coolest" one, outwitting everyone, and now he made one error and died a pathetic death, his last words being "shit..."

IMO, he DID deserve what he got. And more, perhaps, since he committed mass murder. Don't get me wrong --- I like Light as a character; he's definitely a unique protagonist (hehe, understatement of the year?), but he needed that downfall; it's what happens to all dictators and people who elevate themselves to a "godly" level: they fall, HARD, revealing their true, rather ungodly selves. The ending of DN was great, IMO. Painful to read (I cringed a little at how low Light had fallen: screaming, trying for the very last time to wag his silver tongue to escape the trap) . . . but it was well deserved. The whole manga up until then had been him winning, winning, winning, and we all knew that payback was coming. (Ryuk, after all, told him in the very first volume that he'd write his name down in the end.)

BTW, I don't think his last words were "shit" . . . I thought they were something to the effect of, "Screw. You. All!" XDD Only with a few more obscenities. Not very glamorous, but pretty realistic, IMO; if I'd been dying like that, I'd probably be angry and cursing and screaming, too.

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