-Death Note- (165)

158 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2008-03-16 07:55 ID:7a2U3+Uc

Death Note is by far the BEST manga I have ever read and probably will ever read
Mello/Matt/L/Near are my favorite characters, in that order xD
then i like ryuk, because i think he's funny at times
light is retarded and i hate him. haha.
I pretty much cheered when matsuda shot him.
i agree that the ending was crap though. light should've died differently
and the last page was retarded with the worshipers and such.
anyway, the is also a rumor im trying to confirm
does anyone know if it's true if after light dies he becomes a shinigami?
because there are hints in the manga, the biggest one being 'Be aware that any human who has used the death note cannot got o heaven nor hell.'
but im still not sure.
also, has anyone else read the new chapter of death note? it's pretty silly but it's about a new kira.
it can be found at onemanga.com is anyone is interested.

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